Contest #1 CLOSED

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Ok! So I don't know if anyone is reading this or cares but anyway...

The fist cover contest will be...

Theme: Artistic
Title: Cover Competitions

If you haven't already guessed, I'm looking for a cover for this book. So please make me one.
(Not forcing you)
This ones more of a creative contest you can kinda do anything you want.

Due Date: When I get at least 5 entries.

Now, what most of you are probably here for...


-I'll use your cover for this story
-I'll vote for every chapter in the book of your choice (doesn't have to be your own book)
-I'll add the story of your choice to my "recommended" reading list
-I'll give a shoutout to you in my "friends" vs. True Friends book.
-One honest comment at the end of the book of your choice (meaning I'll obviously read it)

-I'll add the story of your choice to my "recommended" reading list
-I'll give a shoutout to you in my "friends" vs. True Friends book.
-I'll vote for every chapter in the book of your choice (doesn't have to be your own book) (also meaning I'll read it)

-I'll add the story of your choice to my "recommended" reading list
-I'll give a shoutout to you in my "friends" vs. True Friends book.
(I hope you know I'll read it)

I'll post a picture of every single entry I receive and you can comment which is your favourite. Keep in mind there will also be a FAN FAVORITE award which will be the equivalent prizes of 2nd place.

I'll have all the entries posted for viewing and should have results up ASAP.

For sending me your covers, you can post a picture in one of your books and tag me @RyWritesStories and I'll go check it out (maybe along with your book)

Get out your electronic easels!

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