Contest Results #2

61 6 6

For an honourable mention, we have...

@SurferGurl76 !!!!!!

I liked how your font was displayed and how their was a bit of colour to it. It would have been nice to see a bit of contrast and possibly have my username on it, but it was overall a great cover!


@Long_Word !!!!!

I liked the contrast between the white font and the dark, along with the light door and the dark beyond. It was just missing a bit of colour, or something eye catching. It was still a great cover and went great with the theme!

In third place, we have...

@Aarmau_Forever !!!!

I liked the contrast between the figure in the black coat and the snow and the lettering. Only thing was it was a bit hard to read white on white so make sure to be careful with that! But it looked great!

In second we have...

Let me say, this was a close one...

@katedayeon !!! (Entry 1)

I was intrigued by your popping font, how you used black and white really well to set the mood of the story. It's very clear and easy to read. Your author tag was kinda in a funny spot though. Also it would be nice to darken maybe the person on the front since the background is so light. Overall it was great and was a tough decision to make.

Which means in first we have...

@crazycatladysfantasy !!!!!

I was immediately drawn to the title, seeing the complimentary black and white fonts. You also seemed to have captured the mood description of how Isabelle feels, which is great to have on this cover. It just seems to match this story so well, which is why I chose it. Good job!

Fan favourite:

We had a tie between @crazycatladysfantasy and @katedhyeon s 2nd entry so there won't be prizes given for this.

Please pm me to claim your prizes!

Good job everyone. If you didn't win this time, that's okay. This isn't about winning. It's simply about doing what makes you happy, and sometimes getting lucky. My opinion isn't of any importance so don't mind it. You all made great covers. Kudos to that.

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