Flowers For Caroline

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She was the kinda girl who walked into class with a frown on her face but a shirt that said 'smile'

Throwing her legs up onto the single person desk and pushed her ear buds in

Who's facial expressions would change at the drop of a hat

And who sit alone at lunch, laughing at the words in a book, lost in the written world

She was brave and different, to the point where it turned guys off

But she turned me right on

When people told her that her music was too loud, she'd turn it up louder

Walking alone in the halls, she would mouth the words to any rock song that she could think of

And twist and kick her feet gently as she waited for her bus to take her home

She was the kinda girl who talked to everyone, but nobody talked back too

She was the most herself when she talked to the wind anyway

I couldn't stop watching her

 Like a car crash, she silently demanded attention

She showed me a side she wouldn't dare present to the real world

Speaking in rhymes and metaphors that took a second to knock you in the chest

"Nothing to live for but nothing to die for," she would confess to me after a few drinks

She searched and hunted for a purpose in everything she did

And none of my words were ever good enough for her

Nothing could ever lift the secret rain off of her heart

Smacking my umbrella away, she let herself sink further into the mud nobody else could see

Calling me at 3 A.M , confessing all of her imperfections through the receiver

And I would deny each and tell her the unconvincing truth between each of her ugly sounding sobs

But goddamn, she was perfect

I tried to give her flowers today

But she couldn't touch them

Nor could her shaking hands bring the bunch to her nose to smell the sweet scent

And she couldn't hear my story of how I missed my bus twice debating whether or not to buy the plant

She would never be able to clutch them to her breasts and hold them there the rest of the day

The only thing that could care for the flowers now

Are the cemetery caretakers


Thank you for the 6K reads everyone, I owe everything to you, xoxo.


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