Shouldn't have left

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7 years ago:

It was a cold Halloween night. Anastasia and Harry were on their way back to their apartments, after partying at a Fraternity. First stop was Harry's place.

Just days before the party of the year, he was dumped by the most beautiful girl on campus. She told him she needed space. Turned out, she had fallen in love with a guy from her dorm. Harry was heart broken. His way of dealing with any kinds of problems in his life, was getting wasted. So wasted that he does not even remember where he was. He had also learned that partying alone made a person look like a loser. Anastasia was his best friend and parting buddy. She did not approve of the name, but she was very adventures and up for any thing.

People thought it was cheesy, them being dressed as Harley Quinn and the Joker. Especially because both of them denied on all costs, that they were nothing more than best friends. The Frat house was filled with a massive crowd of students. The loud music, smell of beer and all sorts of alcohol and smoke was the traditional smell of a classic University party. Even though going out to the biggest parties on campus, was a part of their weekly routine, they did not expect the outcome of that night.

Hours of standing, dancing, drinking and once in a while hitting the blunt and they were already sick to their stomachs of all the alcohol they had consumed. Harry was wasted till the point of not being able to talk and walk at the same time, because his focus was terribly off. Anastasia, on the other hand, was aware that she had take good care of her friend, taking away her privilege to drink too much. She had smoked too much, making her feel like she was going to die. The girl was standing in the corner caring a big bowl of chips like a baby in her arms and eating at it. If a anyone wanted to talk to her, she would let out a small hiss and the people would back away. Once the affects of the marijuana wore off, she up and ready to leave the party with Harry.

They got into an uber to Harry's studio apartment and she helped him get ready to bed. He begged her to stay the night, because he needed someone by his side, who, he knew, would never leave him. Anastasia refused to stay, because she was afraid that something terrible would happen between them, that might cost them their friendship. They were on very good terms, the perfects terms. She was afraid, one mistake could ruin everything they had. Everything!

On her way to her apartment, which was only a few blocks away, she felt guilt for leaving him alone in his dark apartment. She washed all her make up off and got changed to go to bed.

The loud sound of her phone woke her up in terror. Her hands found their way through the dark and brought the phone closer to her face to see who was calling in at 5 am. It was Harry calling. What did he want at this hour? Wouldn't he be already sleeping? She hesitated for a while, before picking up. The sound of a woman came out of the blue, asking if Anastasia knew Harry. She was still half asleep, then she heard the word 'hospital' come out of the ladies mouth. Without any sort of control over her body, she jumped out of the bed and started furiously walking around her room. She listened to the woman on the other end, who told her to come to the hospital. Because Anastasia was still a little drunk and tired, she begged the lady to send her the address to her phone. The woman agreed and told Anastasia to calm down. Her trembling voice was very clear. The phone call ended. She put her phone on the desk. Grabbing a white t-shirt and a oversized jacket and a pair of leggings out of the drawer, she searched for her car keys and her purse. After getting dressed she sprinted out of the door, making her way to her black car. She connected her phone with the aux-cord and typed in the address of the hospital into her GPS-system. Once the GPS had found the fastest route to the clinic, she stepped on the gas. Anastasia made sure not to drive too fast in case a officer would pull her over, because she was unsure of how much alcohol was still present in her system.

The car was parked in the parking lot. She ran over to the information counter and asked for  Harry Smith. The woman behind the counter smiled and tried to calm her down. Anastasia was out of breath and all the people around her were looking at her. She must have been too loud. The woman walking in front of her asked a question, she did not hear. All she heard was her heart beat pounding in her ears. They arrived at the door, where Harry was resting.

There he was lying on the bed, dried blood was on his face. He seemed to be sleeping. Anastasia, who was still under shock, asked the nurse what had happened to him. The woman stated that he had ran into a open road, just in time for a learning driver to crash into the man. Absolute idiot! She assured Anastasia, that he was lucky to have survived and only had minor injuries.

When Anastasia's heart beat slowed down to it's normal pace, she noticed how empty the room was. There was no one in the big white room besides Harry, the nurse and herself. What about his family? Or at least his brother, who only lived a mile away? She asked the nurse for more information and she told her, that Harry said to "Call A..." and then zoned out. Since Anastasia was the first name in his contact list, she assumed that he meant her. Anastasia then realized that his mother's name started with an 'A' too.

Before the nurse left the room, she handed his phone to her. The first thing she did was ring his parents to make sure that they knew that their son was lying in a hospital bed. The mother answered the phone with a happy voice, expecting to hear the voice of her beloved son. Anastasia felt uncomfortable telling her that her son was hit by a car. But she made sure not to worry them and declared that he was doing just fine and rest would be the best for him. His mother made her promise her, she would be taking care of her son.

She hung up the phone and walked over to the bed. She eyed Harry. He looked peaceful. To make sure he was alive she looked if he was breathing, which he was, thankfully. Since it was the beginning of the weekend, there was no place she had to be the next day. She replayed the moment she left him alone in his studio apartment. This time she decided to stay. A large chair caught her eye. Anastasia proceeded to the stool and curl up there. The next thing she knew, she was fast asleep.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Vote or leave a comment telling me if you like the story so far and what you think about it! Have a super duper week! 💜

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