The Day After

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Harry's head was hurting terribly. It felt like a bomb went off in his brain. He looked around and saw a small table with fresh eggs, bacon and fruits placed on it. The sound of the song "You make my dreams come true" was piercing his brain. It may have been one of his favourite songs, but it was not very pleasant after a night of drinking. Every beat of the song got louder and louder. He pressed his his hands on his ears to try and cancel out the sound. Then he noticed a female figure in the bathroom. Shit! He was engaged a few hours ago and now already managed to sleep with another woman?

He waited in bed, not taking the eyes of the woman. Was that Sally? They had the same hair color. Who is that? The figure was dancing to every beat of the song playing. Now she was holding a hairbrush and singing into it, like if it was a microphone. Harry could not help but laugh. He then came face to face with the woman in the bathroom, whose eyes were huge. The figure let out a nervous laugh.

"I thought you were still sleeping." Her hands held up, as if she was trying to get away with a crime.

"It's cool! Keep on dancing. Just please turn down the music. My head is going to explode." He shifted his body so that his back was facing the woman.

"Of course. Sorry!" She said walking towards the speaker on the table.

Harry was glad that it was just Anastasia in the bathroom. He could not imagine how awkward it would have been, if it was indeed a one night stand. What was he going to say? 'Hey, I need you to know, I was engaged but 24 hours ago and now I am back to the single life. Hurray!'

After a while he got out of the bed, picked up a slice of bacon and waddled to his jacket. His fingers were searching for a ring. A sense of panic filled Harry's body, when he couldn't find Sally's ring. Did he lose it? Shit!

"I am going to my room to get changed. Going to head to the gym and then for a swim to cool off." Anastasia walked into the room.

"Sure, go ahead!" He waved his hand.

"You can join me, if you'd like." Her smile trying to convince him to go with her.

"Nah, I'm good!" He went over to the plate.

"Do as you please. Oh and for your information, we are going to have a fancy dinner tonight at the restaurant! You are forced to come. Wash your dirty body and try to look presentable. Understand?" Her tone serious and joyful.

"Whatever." He showed a spoon full of scrambled eggs into his mouth.


"Bye." He muttered.

The door was shut. Silence filled the big room. Harry was sitting trying to enjoy his delicious breakfast. He could not shake the feeling of the fact that he had lost the engagement ring. How could he lose the ring? What if someone needed the ring? What if he was to propose to another girl? It looked like he had to invest another fortune into a new ring. Or maybe he was going to die single. He pulled a disgusted face. 

The room was quiet, too quiet. Harry walked over to the TV and stood for about a minute flipping through the channels, just to end up watching the one show he was afraid of telling anyone that he watched. Only Sally and Anastasia knew that he was secretly obsessed with the reality tv show 'Keeping Up With The Kardashian'. He was not proud of his choice of show, but sometimes he needed a little drama in his life. And what better way to do it, then to watch sisters talk shit behind each others back and then confronting the other one just to end up in a big fight. Who fights over the fact that posting one picture of them, which might not be the best, is a actual bad thing. Not to mention it was the year of 'realizing things'. Harry did not have any comment on that. 

He let the warm water run into the bathtub as he devoured the rest of his breakfast. There was a new paper on the white table that was placed right next to a white wall. He flipped through the papers and decided to read an article about how phones are destroying people's love lives. It was the first thing that caught his eye. Harry was not interested into what the President of the US was doing or what he said again to piss other people off. He just didn't find the strength to think about a immature person ruling the country. He was over it. Just just over as his marriage was.  

Every single thing around him reminded him of Sally. Both of them had spent nights just talking about what their future would look like. Harry would have quit his job, just to take care of their children. People said that he was insane for being ready to sacrifice everything for that woman.

Her blue, bright eyes always light up, when she talked about the new book she read. At times it seemed like she loved books more than she loved him. Why wouldn't she? Reading books was a way of escaping from reality. Too many stories had a good ending. Everyone was happy, everyone was just too damn happy! Where had Harry's happy ending gone? Flushed down the toilet! 

He imagine himself as a book, the only book on a old dusty shelf. Nobody dared to touch it or even take a peek inside. Then a person would, but they would get frustrated, that the story did not have a happy ending and toss it to the side. 

Did people even appreciate books anymore? Did people appreciate the fact that their brain could create a whole new universe with just one simple paragraph? Did they? Harry did not know the answer to it. Flash backs of the people on the subway, in the markets, in the elevators just looking down on their small screen. He was sad for them. Sad about the fact, that they couldn't realize the beautiful nature that has been placed in front of their noses. 

Maybe he didn't appreciate Sally enough. Maybe she had fallen in love with one of his friends, who promised to appreciate her and treat her better. 

The sound of water splashing on the tiles jolted Harry out of his thoughts. He ran to the bathroom and turned off the water. 

A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't be shy to vote or leave a comment of how you like the story so far! Have a great weekend! :**

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