Not All That Healthy

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One by one Brandon's family walked out of the room. Anastasia told Harry she would be right out, she wanted to catch up with his brother. He smiled and they said their good-byes.

"So.... how does it feel to be part robot?" Anastasia tried to keep up the good vibe.

"Really cool. One day every person in the hospital that is plugged in is going to be able to get together and establish the new half-robot-half-human society." He joked in return.

Anastasia tried to suppress her laughter, but failed horribly, almost chocking on air.

"It was not that funny, but thanks for making me feel better." Brandon smiled.

"Why are you plugged in Brandon?"

"I already told you"

"Come on, I have worked in hospitals for months, no healthy person is plugged in, even if they claim to be."

"You caught me."

"And you better start talking."

"I overdosed..."

"On drugs?"

"No, on flowers and butterflies! Of course on drugs!"

"Why the hell would you then tell your family that you were almost diagnosed with lung cancer."

"That was no joke either. What do you think of me Anastasia?"

"What am I supposed to think, I have only met you once."

"Good point. You are going to tell Harry?"

"Me? No way. This is your problem. You need to be the man and tell your bother!"

"I would really like you to tell him."

"What are you 14 years old? You need to tell your brother, if that is today or in 2 years, but you are going to tell him!", she crossed her arms.

"Okay, I will. Just give me time."

"You have all the time in the world."

Harry walked in with a cup of water.

"Anastasia, you ready to go?" He smiled.

"Yes. I am ready. Nice to catch up with you Brandon." She smiled sarcastically.

"Good bye, Anastasia and Harry."

Harry waved and they walked to their car.

"What did you guys talk about?" Harry wondered.

"Just about life." She slightly pressed his hand.

"Okay." He smiled in return.

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