Chapter Fourteen

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Week 64 (1 Year, 3 months After Lauren Left)

It had just rained the day before, so the air smelled fresh and clear as she made her way through the fairgrounds. The sun was slowly setting, throwing a beautiful orange glow over the faces of the fairgoers, young and old alike, as they walked around with smiles on their faces, enjoying the lovely spring day. After the winter they had, Lauren understood why. She zipped up her light jacket, which had been enough to keep her warm during the day, but now might be just a little too light without the sun's heat. The dangling lights around the fairgrounds were slowly being switched on, making it appear even more festive and lively.

She finished the rest of the cotton candy in her hands and discarded the stick before turning back to see her companion looking at her.

"You really inhaled that now, didn't you?"

She blushed, but only a little. She had made peace with her very, very sweet tooth years ago. "Hey. I offered you some and you said no."

Lucy laughed and reached to wipe some of the cotton candy off the side of her lips. "Fair enough. You did do that."

"You are missing out. Do you know how hard it is to find cotton candy outside of carnivals and fairs?"

"I can't say I've tried to, so no."

"I have. And it is hard. Besides, there's something about being at a carnival that makes it completely acceptable for an adult to walk around eating cotton candy. Off of a stick, no less."

Lucy stopped walking and made to turn back. "Should we go back and get some more then? I think the vendor only had about twenty or so left." Lauren could see a teasing smile play on her lips.

She grabbed her hand and pulled her along on their way. "Stop making fun of me."

Lucy just laughed again. What a lovely laugh, Lauren thought as she looked back at her. She knew it was not really possible, but she swore that even her laugh sounded British. It was soft and light and completely fitted her thin frame. She noted that her hair was much longer now than when they first met. It fell to her left in a side ponytail that added a playfulness to her allure. Lauren couldn't help smiling at her.

They continued walking through the fair, trying most of the games and some of the rides there (except for the roller coasters; Lauren refused because of her perfectly rational fear of them). They had one small stuffed animal between them to show for their hard work and their rather substantial financial investment in the fair's longevity.

"Are there any other exclusive carnival foods you would like to eat while we are here?" Lucy asked.

"No," Lauren said, thinking back to everything she had already eaten that day, "I think I am all done with carnival food for today." She placed a hand over her abdomen and groaned lightly. "And maybe forever."

"Was there anything that you'd wanted that they didn't have here?"

"I don't think I saw funnel cakes being sold here. Do you know what those are? They have them in America. They are essentially really delicious fried dough. Probably not the best for you, I will admit. But I miss them."

"Okay, so besides the oh-so-important funnel cakes," Lucy began, adding a wink, "what do you miss most about America? Obviously also besides Anya."

Lauren gave herself a moment to think about her answer. And to not think about some other things. One other thing.

When she finally thought of it, she looked up at the night sky before facing Lucy again.

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