Chapter Twenty Five

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I have not given up on the story, so thank you for not giving up on me!

Life, work, etc. etc. Here's the new chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Mila, I think I need to drive Dinah home sooner than later." Normani was trying her best to hold onto one of Dinah's hands as the brunette tried to prance about on the sidewalk.

Camila was holding Lauren by her arm, and her brunette, though less difficult to manage than Normani's, was definitely not self-sufficient at the moment. She took a look at Lauren after Normani's words. Her eyes were closed and her lips were curled up in a silly smile. She was swaying back and forth to the music that was playing only in her head.

"I think Lauren also needs to go home soon too. I know this look. She's going to pass out soon and start waking up erratically. We would have to carry her wherever we need her to be."

With her eyes still closed, Lauren shifted closer to her to lean her head on her shoulder. Camila felt warmth spread throughout her body from where Lauren touched her skin.

"Okay, do you think maybe you can get Lauren home in a cab? You live closer to her than we do anyway. I'll drive Dinah home and put her to bed. That might take a while." Dinah started to prance closer to the streets. "Dinah! No, stay here!" Normani pulled her back by the hand she was holding.

"Mani! Maniiiiii! Why do we call you Mani? You're not an man at all. You're a girl!"

"Well, you are not a Dj either. Why do we call you that?"

Of everything, that was what got the engineer to stop trying to wiggle out of Normani's grip. She placed her head in her free hand and closed her eyes, thinking hard. "Why DO you call me Dj? Am I a Dj?" She stared at her hand, turning it over and over again, checking to see if it was still a human hand.

Normani saw her chance. She wrapped one arm around Dinah's waist and grabbed her forearm with the other. She began to lead her towards the car. She turned to glance back at Camila, who was looking at Lauren with a dazed expression on her face.

"Mila. Mila!" Camila looked up at Normani's retreating figure.

Normani had to raise her voice at this point. "Hey, take Lauren home okay? I'll text you her address right now." Normani pulled out her phone and seconds later, Camila's phone dinged with the message.

"Text me when you get home too!" Normani yelled. They had reached her car and she was busy trying to get Dinah into the passenger seat. She somehow managed to successfully buckle her up. She got into the driver's seat and waved to Camila as they drove past.

Camila watched the car speed off and tried to process what had just happened. She had had only three beers and, though not as sharp, her mind was still working. She looked down at the woman in her arms and remembered that she was tasked with delivering Lauren home safely. She shook her head to clear her mind and held out her arm to summon an approaching cab.

It was not too hard to get Lauren into the backseat of the cab. Unlike Drunk Dinah, Drunk Lauren was quite malleable and easily maneuvered. As long as she had not passed out yet.

"Lo, can you move over a little to make room for me?"

Lauren finally opened her heavily lidded eyes and looked up. Camila felt her almost heart melt.

"Okay, Camila." She nodded solemnly, as if she had just made a serious decision. "I will." She continued nodding her head, sure of her great sacrifice. "For you."

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