Chapter Twenty Four

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Hello everyone! Thank you to those of you who have not given up on the story despite the wait. Same old excuses, life got busy, work took too much time, etc, gallivanting across Europe, etc, etc. But, I did manage to finish this chapter finally. I hope you all enjoy it! And hopefully it'll hold you over until I manage to finish the next one.

I'm dedicating this chapter to Rome (yes, to you, Rome). It was beautiful and lovely and better than I imagined. You are in my heart now. I'll surely be back.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lauren stepped out of the taxi onto the sidewalk to find herself standing under the bright lights of the large sign at the entrance to the club where Normani's party was being held.

She paused for a second to study the sign. In dazzling gold neon lights and stylish, almost handwritten, font, the word "Stars" was clearly illuminated. And just above the word, a small light flashed from left to right in an arch, resembling a shooting star.

She really had to wonder if this was a sign (ha, chuckled the writer in her). But whether it was a sign for her to stay, or to leave immediately, she could not decide. Before she had a chance to make up her mind, she felt a hand on her back, lightly pushing her forward.

"Come on, kid. You've already wasted all night trying to decide whether or not to come. Time during which alcohol could have been had, in the presence of good company. I had to drink my own beer, and watch multiple boring reruns, while you hemmed and hawed over your phone. We're here now, and I'm not going all the way back without making Hansen regret her text trash talking about how she will . . . " Anya glanced at the phone to make sure she got the direct quote, "'drink the shit' out of me."

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows at Anya, "What does that even mean?" She paused just a bit before continuing, "I mean, I understand it in context, but literally, it does not make a lot of sense."

Anya stared at Lauren. "All you took away from what I just said was Hansen's poor word choice?"

Lauren nodded.

Anya shook her head helplessly. Instead of wasting her time explaining to Lauren what she should have taken away from her eloquent speech, she decided to just move on. "Anyway . . . judging by all the typos in her messages, Hansen probably already has a couple of drinks in her. So this probably won't take too long."

She gave Lauren another light push on the back, giving her sister no choice but to walk towards the entrance. The doors opened suddenly as a young couple stumbled out drunkenly. Lauren could see the spinning lights inside the club behind them as loud music blared out through the door.

She had considered many things while deciding whether to come tonight. She wondered if she could really spend the whole evening around Camila, if they could have normal conversations together, and if they could really, truly become friends again. Was that even what she wanted?

She had yet to really decipher the torrents of emotions she felt from the last two times she saw Camila, when she ran into her unexpectedly at the flower shop, and then again in the supermarket, having deferred that unpleasant task until sometime in the far, far future. And those interactions had only been less than ten minutes. She did not know what to expect to feel after spending a whole evening with her.

Though, she reasoned, that might have only been because she had been surprised those last two times. Surprised, and unprepared. Yes, that must have been the reason. And since she was now very prepared, she knew her heart would not race only at the sight of Camila. The air would not seem thicker, and she would not struggle to breathe. Because she was prepared.

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