Day One

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It's almost 11:20 at night, my rooms real quiet, it's nice, my fan isn't on as normal, the only thing lighted up in this room is the dim light of my laptop, anything else is bleak. 

I can't believe I'm a senior this year, but then again, I can't believe it's been four years gone by without Mitch. I don't want to say without Mitch, its a little bit staining to the heart, I believe that we should see his departure from Earth as a sign, he's not actually gone and I know. I've been doing these for several years now and I've seen myself grown up, I thought I would never make it to Senior year I thought I would just break by the end of my Junior year and possibly my Sophmore.

I never did,

but what are you all getting out of is, what sense am I trying to make here? 

Well, you tell me, why do you remember Mitch? 

You remember by placing a little comment everyday under his Instagram post 'The dead are living' ironic and iconic this is now. We miss him, we love him but we remember him, he still alive in our souls and our hearts, we stomp today to remember his glory, but we stomp and we live to know that it's okay to be you me. 

I'm going off on a tangit here but, it's been four years and I dont want to continue everyone why we should remember this man. We already should and guess what? WE DO. 

So give yourself a pat on the back this may sound sarcastic to you but I'm proud, if you're reading this. I'm proud. 

He's proud, 

his music lives on in our hearts and our eardrums, the few that have got to hear him live. We now play our own concerts. 

He's proud

his daughter going off and growing making friends and remembering her daddy with every stop she takes.

He's proud

of the woman that loved him and beared his child, everyday she'll remember her real lover is looking over her shoulder, making sure that not only God but himself protects her with any step she takes.

He's proud 

of his bandmates, always remembering for who and who he will always be, never forgetting the mark he left, never forgetting the sound and the community he made around the so called music hard rock, and death metal you name it. 

We're proud of him out of it all, we're proud cause he's happy, we'll always see his smiling face for all eternity.

So I ask you now, for the next 30 days look out for the these either short poems or publishings of Mitch, to help you if needed or just a way to remember. 

It's okay to cry today, a fallen soldier has turned into an angel of the night and day, he has risen and he walks on Earth with us today tomorrow and the next.

This is day one of Remembering Mitch and I know probably many of us are now in our senior or junior year. Good luck, be fierce but stay calm and remember you only live once. 

PS. - 11:34 and counting I say goodnight to ever is reading this. You are more than you think, don't let anyone classify or label who you are, only you can wrote your own story, don't let anyone steal your pen. It's your tool in life to create the most beautiful story anyone has ever written.

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