Day Six

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A new week is about to begin

What will you accomplish what will you not?

What will you make amends for this week, did you mess up, I forgot to do something, 

Like any other week its important to see it as the best way possible, not trend on Mondays when its only a Thursday, believe in yourself and you'll go far. 

I see my life as always changing, fluctuating from left to right, up and down, in circles. So many ways I could describe my crazy beautiful life. 

So breath

and hush

Say hello

to the morning before you

Be thankful 

be blissful 

Be you, 

and take everything slow. 

Don't trend on Mondays, it only happens once a week, and before you know it'll be the end. So make it great. 

Have a plan, make a goal, do something, even if its just listening to music. 

Just breath, and don't trend on things you'll know will pass.  

COLORS ~ Remembering Mitch - Year 2016Where stories live. Discover now