Day 7

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It's been hell

We know, 

we're only human 

nothing lasts forever

nothing is stick and stone

only if you believe

they'll be a way to last things forever

only if you dream 

but they say dreams aren't real, or ever come true

but as hard as you can muster believe, 

things take practice

things take time

things take effort not money 

the more money you put into the things, the less satisfaction there is. 

you spend your whole life planning for something and then get bored with it a few months later, and then soon it dissolves.

only if you believe, there will be a way. use your heart, mind, and body, and not things that can be replaced. 

You heart, mind and body are unique,  is also what you make of it, utilize what you are given, and not what you recieved yourself. 

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