The Art of War

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I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Black Cat's POV

Overall, Snow didn't look so hot. I know that your first time's the hardest but he was really beginning to freak me out. He'd already been out for half a day and it didn't look promising. But at least we didn't end up in the middle of the ocean, right?

Anyway, my friend Joan had agreed to put us up for the time being. We'd known each other for quite a while, her also being a time traveler and all.'d be surprised about how many of us there are out there; you might even know a few and not even realize it. But yeah, that's just the way we roll.

I suppose you'd want to know a little bit more of what happened back there, right? Well, it's not that easy to answer, but I'll explain it to you the way it was explained to me. First, that was a time jump that caused the flash. Secondly, to do it you've got to get really high. And no, not that kind of high. To jump forward or backward in time, a body has to reach terminal velocity to have enough force to actually time travel. So, as far as I can tell, there's only two ways a person could get up enough speed for it to work; one, strap a jet engine to your ass; or two, fall from somewhere high.

But time jumping also has its rules. First, you can't go more than 500 years at a time, 'cause if you do then you die, simple as that. Next, normal people can't ever find out. The thing with time travel is, you either got it or you don't. And most people that got it live their whole lives never finding their true potentials. Some of us end up finding out by accident, like me. Others, like Snow, get told about it by another jumper.

So, now that you know what happened I've still got the why to cover. Well, that's not that easy, either. See, Edlyn, Snow's step-mother, is a witch. I'm not talking about the kind in fareytales but a real, live witch intent on world domination. Don't ask me how or why she's a witch 'cause I honestly don't know. All the details about her are a little bit fuzzy so that's all I've got. But the thing is, witches have a knack for sniffing out other not-so-normal people and last night she found me out. I knew it was going to happen eventually and warned Snow that I going to have to leave but I was hoping for a bit more time to explain things.

But anyway, there's no point in regretting things now. We're here in France so might as well make the best of it. I sat at his bedside having long ago exchanged my nightshirt for a few odd pieces of plate armor and wool leggings. It was a bit strange at first to be back in pants after so long in corsets and confining skirts but I'd gotten used to it. The sun was beginning to set and it was almost time for this army to be on the march again.

Joan sat across from me glancing down at Snow's sleeping face. Her brown-blonde hair was cropped cropped short at the shoulders in the style of a boy. She, too, wore the tell-tale uniform as well as any man, though it made the tiny fifteen-year-old look even more out of place alongside the battle-worn knights of her rag-tag band. Joan of Arc will forever live in history as one of the most famous French generals of Medieval Europe and will go on the be canonized almost a century later, mostly because where she lacked in physical strength she made up for it a hundred times over by strength of character.

She had greeted us with open arms and demanded nothing in return. This courageous little girl is one of the few people I've met that is truly selfless in her devotion to her followers and to Our Lord. She is a true Child of God in her willingness to see the good in everyone, even the English who lay claim to her homeland. What was it that made this lost soul such an empowered leader, you may ask? Well, that has yet to be seen, but for now all I can say is that we don't have long to find out.

A garbled moan interrupted my thoughts. Snow's large, frigid hand clamped tightly in my own, which I just now came to realize, had twitched slightly, indicating we did not have long to wait. Joan met my gaze solemnly and I could see the question held within. "Wait," I said no louder than a whisper in the drafty, old command tent, "Not yet." Another groan split the morbid atmosphere as Snow's thick eyelashes fluttered in wakefulness. It wouldn't be long now...


Snow White's POV

I do not believe that could have gone any worse than if I had planned it. Black Cat had said that my first jump would be painful but I had absolutely no idea it would be quite that excruciating. Had I done something wrong, perchance? No, I do not believe that is the case. Moreover, none of that is of any consequence. My past is no longer of importance, I am beginning to realize, when at a moment's notice it could all be put to an end.

Simply put, I don't have anymore time to dwell on things I can't change. With the shear force of will, I order my eyes to open and with a moment's hesitation they comply. A tournament was now making itself known inside my skull as fuzzy shapes slowly began to focus, soon followed by sound and feeling.

The light of a red sun shown through muddy canvas above my head, fading to plum along the edges. The air was heavy with wood smoke, irritating my already inflamed airways, not to mention the stink of a thousand barn animals and unwashed skin. My ears were assaulted by the grumbling voices of many rough men and the thunder of marching leather and iron-clad feet. But strangely enough these things had become routine in resent years and very familiar. I knew what that meant, an army preparing for battle.

It was only then that I came to notice the two people at my bedside. Black Cat sat to my right in all her golden glory, her hand tightly clamped in mine. On my left was a young woman, maybe a few years my junior with thunderhead eyes and one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. It took me a moment to realize both females were encased in expensive armor and wore the colors of the French royalty.

But I wasn't expecting what happened next. Black Cat leaned in to caress my check,"Snow, we need to talk. And before you go jumping to conclusions, let me explain. First, do you remember what happened last night at Ravenwood Estate?"

I managed to nod my head ever so slightly as she went on, "Good, I hoped you did and it makes my job a little easier. Okay, I'm going to assume that you remember the time jump. Is that correct?" I proceeded to nod again, even more carefully than before. The drumming inside my skull had intensified along with the disorientation due to the questions. I had a feeling this was going to be a very long few hours, indeed.


"Snow, I would like to introduce you to Jeanne d'Arc, the Maid of Orleans. Joan, I would like you to meet Snow White, son of Cynric, and next inline to the throne of Ravenwood." Black Cat had thankfully allowed me the remainder of the night to reorient myself in this new and strange time.

I then bowed to the tiny, dark-haired lass, "A pressure to make your acquaintance."

She proceeded to giggle at me ever so gently and spoke, "The pressure is all mine, Your Majesty. I do believe that Black Cat bringing you here was no accident." She waited for Black Cat to nod and then went on. "She has asked me to tell you a little bit about the life I've lived up until this point. She believes that my story may be able to help you. When would you like to begin?"

"I've all the time in the world."

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