Born This Way

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"No matter gay, straight or bi

Lesbian, transgendered life

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born to survive

No matter black, white or beige

Chola or orient made

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born to be brave

I'm beautiful in my way

'Cause God makes no mistakes

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way"

Black Cat's POV

Well damn, that wasn't supposed to happen. She was sure a looker but I wasn't planning on coming out to him like that. Years of planning had just flown out the window and now I am so screwed.

In normal circumstances, I might not have minded if a guy as hot as him had walked in on my little minx of a chambermaid and I getting freaky. Hell, I'd probably invite him to join in. But this was totally a different thing; he's my uncle for crying out loud! Hmmm...nope, don't even think about it, Catherine. And he belongs to Channing; not that he knows it yet, but still, taken is taken.

This is a very unfortunate turn of events indeed. There's nothing I can do to change it now so might as well run with it, I guess. "So..." I reached for my shift to cover up, "How did you sleep?" Motioning for Matilda to get lost, I prepared to stare this royal pain down. A sweet, innocent smile graced my lips as if to say "Yeah, I do this every damn day."

"Umm..." came a slightly muffled reply. It was all I could do not to just burst out laughing at how ridiculous he looked right then. Sometime between having my way with her and now I'd failed to notice that Snow'd actually clamped his eyes shut.

I knew he'd had a sheltered childhood but his reaction to a little skin, even in the dark ages, was crazy. Snow was acting like...hahaha! It couldn't be that he's still a virgin...right? It was impossible; he's a prince! Unless...

"Really, Catherine? If you knew anything at all about me, you would know that the appropriate response would be 'badly'!"

Oh good, he bounces back quick. But sometimes men can be so difficult. Anyway, where was I? Never mind, it can wait. "So, Snow," I drawled in my best southern accent. "Be a doll and turn 'round to let the lady dress." But the sarcasm was lost on him.

The gentleman he was, Snow obliged. But as he turned, I could see he'd been stuck ramrod straight. Hmm, maybe he was a virgin? My train of thought dropped off as I contemplated the mechanics of the hideous ensemble that passed for fashion this day and age. How the hell was I supposed to do this?

After about five minutes of almost strangling myself several times, Snow gently turned me around and fastened all those tiny buttons with practiced ease. Glancing over my jewel-encrusted shoulder, I met a pair of slightly bashful blue eyes, "Have you done this before?"

But instead he turned the tables back around, "I do believe, Miss Catherine, that it is my turn. I shall ask again, why are you here?"

His tone was rock-solid, all trace of his former embracement gone. Good, maybe Snow dose have a backbone. Only one way to find out. "I think people learn best on the go. Walk with me." Before he could demand a straight answer, I wrapped my arm tightly around and his and strode out into the morning sunlight. "Oh, and I almost forgot; don't call me Catherine!!!"


So, what did I actually know of the young Snow White? As you can see, not as much as I thought I did, apparently. The Uncle Snow I grew up hearing stories about was a completely different person. My mum made him out to be a natural leader, not the timid little creature before me. All of the history tutors talked about was what he did for our people, not who he was as an actual person. Well, it was over a thousand years ago, after all.

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