Love Story

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Dedicated to @Ice_Guardian Happy belated birthday!


Black Cat's POV

Miss me? No?! What kind of people are you? So you did? Good, now say you're sorry. Well, now that that's all cleared up I suppose we can get back to the story.

We arrived in the 16th century with about an hour to spare so Snow and I decided to go on a quick sightseeing adventure. We were walking around for what felt like ages and constantly being stared at by peasants and aristocrats alike. I could see it in their eyes, almost screaming "Who are those people?!" Believe me, getting judged was something the two of us were used to by now so we just ignored them.

And guess what?! I'm back in a dress! Yay! (Not!) But I'm getting off topic, aren't I?

Aaanyway, it's about time so I hustled Snow through the crowded streets of Elizabethan London, blatantly ignoring his constant yammering about how he's not done looking yet. Damn, that boy needs to get his priorities straight ( pun intended ;) ), seeing as we're about to see the greatest love story in world history play out live.

I'm just so excited! This is one of those times that I thank the universe that I was born a time traveler. Just imagine getting to meet the greatest writer in all of English literature! God, I love my life!

It's a bit of a fight to drag Snow all the way to the other side of town to see it but once it starts he'll love it.


Snow White's POV

"You stupid whore, let me go!" What was so important that she had drag me away from all the marvellous inventions in the village square? There were so many things I had never even thought of experiencing, and being me, it was impossible not to want to learn how everything worked. I guess you could say that now that Black Cat had sunk her claws into me that I couldn't stop wanting more information. So, in the end, it is entirely her fault if I wanted to stay and look at all the interesting things there were to see.

"Come on! Let's find descent seats," Black Cat announced excitedly, almost bouncing up and down in anticipation. I humored her and followed as she dragged me up a rickety set of wooden steps that led to one of the balconies. According to her, we were standing in the "Globe Theatre" awaiting the start of the show.

I'll admit it was a relatively impressive place. Besides my rather strange guardian, hundreds of Londoners, aristocrats and commoners alike, had begun to crowd inside of the magnificent building. I could only imagine what would inspire so many people to congregate in such a high volume as what are still entering, least of all just to witness a simple play. I do not understand it, but I am willing to watch and learn.


In everything that has crossed my mind, eyes, or ears, nothing could ever compare. THAT was real, true love worth dying for. As others stood and filed out of the theatre, I sat frozen, both body and mind. What just took place on that gilded stage would be preached about for millennia to come; it was certainty. Furthermore, no mere words-not in English, Romanian, Hungarian, nor any other tongue imaginable-could possibly scratch the surface of the tragic beauty of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

My thoughts were disrupted by the world's most annoying golden goddess, "So...?! What'd you think?"

"There are no words to..." I trailed off on an almost whimsical sigh.

Black Cat beamed at me, leaning in to squeeze my shoulder, "That's fantastic! I think we both could use a little more romance in our lives right now."

"Oh? And what this journey of ours?"

" Yep, which brings us to our next stop."

" Do tell, Black Cat, dear." I can't wait to see where this is going. (Not!)

"I think it's time we had a chat with two of my oldest friends."

" Who are they? I knew it was probably the worst thing I could ask in a situation like this, considering the person I was currently speaking to.

"Gay pirates," she said with a wink. Grinning with more teeth than I thought was legal, she yanked me close to her and sent us hurdling off of a three story building.


I am very disappointed about how few votes the last chapter received ( which was ZERO by the way). I'm sorry to have to do this but this story will be discontinued unless someone can convince me otherwise.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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