A Gift And Two Animagus

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Marinette sat there nervously 'What is going on?' Flashed through her head, she gulped.
"I'm sorry to tell you this Marinette, but I have no choice. Marinette, you are a danger to yourself and everyone you interact with, you are a weapon. People want you, they need you. Which is why your parents and I are trying as hard as we can to keep you and everyone around you... Safe." Marinette gasped and Adrien stared at his father. "You don't believe me, do you?" He sighed in exasperation and pulled out his wand and said, "Perhaps this will be easier?" He pointed his wand at Tikki and shouted, "Reveal yourself!" Slowly Tikki transformed into a human (minus the antennae) "Marinette, you have have to listen to us your special... in a dangerous way. You're a rare wizard, everyone wants you! People will pay a lot of money to own you." She explained, her tone of voice was desperate; she needed Marinette to believe her. The next thing she new Plagg, Adrien's cat was human (minus the antennae and cat hears). He was right in Marinette's personal space. "Alright, lets just get this over with so I can get the Camembert I wanted. Marinette, you are a new species of wizard that we call readers, thym means you have already mastered Occlumency and Legilimency. You know what people are thinking and it also be used as a way of defence by reading your opponents mind and knowing then knowing the spell. Kapeesh? Now where's my Camembert?" He looked at Tikki hopefully. She grimaced "What is with you and that disgusting, smelly cheese?"
Plagg got his cheese and while stuffing it in his mouth explained that his real name was Eason and that Tikki's real name was Tiana; they also explained that they were animagus. Professor Agreste taught Marinette how to control her ability by turning it on and off and choosing her target; she was a fast learner and could fully control her ability by the end of the lesson.
When they left it was already nightfall. They bid each other goodnight and left.

Miraculous At Hogwarts (Hogwarts AU Part One)Where stories live. Discover now