21 march

100 6 5

Tini pov

"Tini. Wake up." I hear tell dad.
"Hmmm. What's wrong?"
Dad "We are there!"
Fran "At McDonalds! We are here to celebrate your birthday here and then drive to the hotel." (one question: Fran is older or younger than Tini?)

We go inside. There is a long line and I question whether we might go for a restaurant nearby.

Mama "No, Tini. This is your favorite 'restaurant' so we continue to eat here"
"But maybe..."
Mama "You'll see that we have to act within five minutes."

We had to wait at least 20 minutes before we could order finally.
When we had our food we sat down at a table.
But OMG! That is...

Pepe pov.
Today is March 21. Tini's birthday, and we're not with her. It is now 8:20 pm. So another 10 minutes before class begins. I grab my phone from my pocket and wants to send something to Tini but suddenly Pablo says we have come already. In 9 days, we have a show. ...
Wait! Then Tini can not join!

Pablo "Goodmorning  everyone! As you know, about nine days our performance. We have deliberately delayed the roles so that everyone could practice each dance and song, there had to be something someone else can replace you anyway. Now to the roles.

Leading actress 1: Stephie Camarena
Protagonist 1: Jorge Blanco
Leading actress 2: Martina Stoessel ..."

Tini? Do not let them report that they go on vacation?

Pablo "Protagonist 2: Pepe Barroso Silva.
Dancers, your roles will distribute Gregorio. "
"Excuse me Pablo."
Pablo "Yes, Pepe?"
"Martina has been traveling for 10 days. They will not be able to join the show."
Pablo "Travelling? Just an idea!"
"Yes, it was a surprise from her parents."
Pablo "Ok. I'll give her role to someone else.
Lisa, you get the role of the 2nd protagonist "


Suggestions for the next part are always welcome

xxx Tinimyqueen_x

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