Chapter 5

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Morning painted the sky and was soon shining through my curtains. I was already awake; the sun's rays stung my eyes and whipped at my head. My friends were dotted around my room in various places, like a crime scene. It was an unexpected shock to remind myself that Harvey was sleeping in my bed, but once I lifted my head and saw him... It almost felt natural. What wasn't natural, however, was the fact Adam was also in my bed... With Harvey. 

"Fuck," Harvey groaned, looking down at his full make-shift sick bucket.

"I know," My voice was croaky. Although I didn't drink any alcohol, I still felt as rough as sand paper.

"You're not even hung over," He replied as if it was a competition.

"Yes, Harvey, because I'm not stupid,"

"Well then, Eleanor, maybe you should be reckless for once in your life."

From the other side of the bed, Adam's confused grunting interrupted our brief argument. "I thought I went home?"

"You collapsed," I revealed and his eyes slowly opened. Quickly, he raised his arm to shield them from the blinding light. "Me and Georgia played nurse. You're lucky." I made myself chuckle but the boys didn't have the energy for a sense of humour.

Adam rapidly fell back asleep as I felt another wave of sickness flood my entire body, resulting in me having to bolt to the bathroom again.

Harvey's sleepy footsteps crept behind me. He leaned his body weight against the door frame to catch his breath.

"How come you're throwing up so much if you didn't drink anything?" He questioned, breathless.

"Someone may have spiked my drink or something." The toilet bowl echoed my words. "Either way, I feel like shit."

Getting on his knees, Harvey moaned and groaned. He rubbed up and down my back, causing my body hair to spike up and goose bumps form, as I threw my guts up once again.

Once I finished throwing up, Harvey gathered his bearings and left almost immediately. Adam was next, groaning from his slumber once again. He lifted his head with his shoulder muscles, looking around and waggling his eyebrows before realizing where he was. Georgia was still knocked out at the end of the mattress, so he kissed her forehead and hopped out of my room without a trace. Taking advantage of my free bed, I threw off my pjama bottoms and climbed in, embracing the soft cotton against my stubbly legs. Georgia's sleeping body stretched across the rest of the mattress. Her skinny legs filled where my head was laid a few moments before and her arms filled the rest of the mattress's width. She looked like a sleepy, slobbery starfish.
Harvey's cologne had managed to wrap itself in my sheets; the residue of his presence lingered on top of my body. Pressing the duvet against my face, I snuggled into him. My brain trailed to dangerous places. Imagining that he was here with me. That he had let me lay on his chest, like old times. That I could hear his heart beat. That I felt home again.

After a few hours, I woke up without realizing I had fallen asleep. The annoyingly loud Skype call noise was erupting from my phone. Beep boop. Boop beep.

Georgia looked around for the noise, her eyes wide like a child in a sweet shop. "What is that?"

"My phone," I murmured and grabbed it from the bed side table. I rolled my eyes slightly.

"What?!" Georgia wailed. "Who is it?"

Hesitantly, I pressed the accept button and Makena's voice roared from the speakers. "You're alive! How was the party, ladies?"

Georgia threw me a look of uncertainty as she sat closer to my phone. "It was good, thanks."

"What have we done to be blessed with your presence, Makena?" I teased, causing Georgia to chuckle.

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