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Some events in "The Man on the Moon" are based on a true story. Places and names have been changed for privacy reasons. Not all events are true to life and have been created purely for your entertainment. Thank you to my editors -- Brianna, Rochelle, and Eloise. You three girls have made my life so much easier and have made this book a pleasure to write and share with you. You made this process faster, easier, less stressful and, above all, actually possible.

I'm always open to new covers. The one I have up now is temporary. If you think you have made a better one, feel free to email me at this address: dearkirah at (as in the at sign) or send it to any of my social medias. Thank you to every single one of you reading this as you have been my motivation to get up and write. When I finish a chapter, I get all giddy inside, picturing one of you reading it and reacting to what I just wrote. I hope, with all of my heart, that you enjoy "The Man on the Moon" and its message, as I worked hard and had you all in mind.

Also, a special thank you to Dodie Clark. Your songs kept me company at 3 AM when I had bad cases of writer's block, and encouraged me to get the creative tap flowing.

Without further adieu, I give to you 1 year and 6 months worth of work.

Yours Truly,

Shakirah Jelley

The Man on the Moon (The Man Duology)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora