Chapter 3 - Blast from the Past

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I headed into town to meet up with Granny's lawyers and finalize some left-over paperwork.  Today, my grandmother's old Victorian would officially become mine.  I found myself enthralled in thoughts of how I was going to make that large house my own.  So enthralled was I, that I found myself walking face first into a rock hard chest.

“Whoa!  Slow down there Sweets.”  I hear as two large hands grab my shoulders firmly, steadying me.  I look up, slightly insulted at this guy's utterance and found myself recognizing the face before me.  I smiled as it was a face from my past.

“Dean?”  I wonder aloud.  The man nods.  I let out a short burst of laughter as I took in his appearance.  Dean Saunders had changed drastically from his tall lanky and awkward frame since our high school days.  Standing before me was a tall, solidly built and expensively suited man with his dirty blond hair and brown eyes.  He chuckled as he watched me checking him out.

“Subtle.”  He mutters teasingly as I find myself blushing.  “I heard you were back in town.”  I nodded.  “I'm sorry about your grandmother.”  He holds onto my arm gently, rubbing his thumb in a soothing manner.

“Thanks.”  I say as I begin to look at the business-fronts around me and realized that I had walked past my intended destination.  “Well, it's nice to see you Dean but I've got to get somewhere.”

“Sure.  I don't want to keep you from anything.”  He tells me as he hands me a business card.  “Give me a call.  We should catch up.”  I smile at him as I stuff his card in the outer pocket of my purse and begin to turn around toward the door that I had passed by, a mere fifteen steps, only moments earlier.

“I just might.”  I found myself looking at his smiling face.  He nodded and off I went.


As I stood in the mezzanine, waiting for an elevator ride to the fourteenth floor, I felt a pair of eyes on me and turn as I hear a faint chuckle.  There Dean was, standing off to my side.

“Stalking me?”  I joked.

“Hardly.”  He said.  “I work in this building.”

“Ah!  That explains the suit.”  I laugh.  “What do you do if I may be so bold to ask?”


It turns out that Dean Saunders was a lawyer for the very firm I was about to visit.  He had been working there for the past year, trying to get up the ladder so to speak.  He definitely had come a long way and made something of himself.  As the elevator doors opened, everyone pooled inside, tossed like sardines in a can.  Dean blushed when I found myself pushed up against him.  I smiled shyly with an apologetic look in my eye.  As the elevator stopped on what seemed like every floor and slowly emptied its contents, Dean and I found ourselves consumed with an awkward silence.  I was glad when the ride ended and he held the door open for me as we walked into the offices of Cambrian, Hollister & Sons.


An hour and a mountain of signed paperwork later, I found myself walking the streets of downtown Port Hope; the proud owner of a Victorian mansion, its entire contents and financially wealthier.  The money, I could care less about as I've mentioned before but would most likely come in handy with the plans I had for myself.  As I mentally went on planning and mapping out what I wanted to do with my newly acquired home, sorting out minor details for my business; yes I planned on decorating again, I found myself at the entrance of my favorite bistro.  I smiled as I walked through the doors; the place hadn't changed in all these years since Granny brought me in every Saturday, for brunch.  My heart ached at the very memory.

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