Chapter 1: The Council

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April 20, 1965: Zürich, Großdeutschland

      Luigi Benitonitti was a member of the NSDAP. He was Gauleitung of the Italian peninsula, and also a member of the Italian Liberation Movement. Standing at the foot of the Axis Leauge Grand Hall, he was flanked by two Guards, SS-Unterscharführer Anto Castillo and SS-Rottenführer Federichi Müller. He walked in to the building, which was a domed structure that copied the design of the Grand Hall in Germania, and took his seat. At the center seat was the new Führer of the Greater German Reich, Wilhelm Von Kaisertum. He took his seat.
            "We have a development in the war this week.", Von Kaisertum said. "Italy wishes to fight for it's independence from the Großdeutschland area.", the officials' eyes turned on Luigi. "Yes, mein Führer", Luigi bowed. "I wish to fight, but not against Germany. I wish for the Italian Liberation Movement to become the Italian Liberation Front against the R.R.A!" The R.R.A or the Röten Aufstand Armee, was the military forces of the Communist insurgency that had quickly swept over Spain and France, and had fought their way into Bern, known as the RSR, or Red Spartacist Republic. Some  of Zürich it's self had been hit by a few bombs and artillery shells, though, for the most part, the city was unharmed. In fact, the Swiss themselves were unbothered, some had even ended up in Bern as Volunteer Guerrilla units in the Volkssturm. It was even possible to say that their bombs and sniper's nests were the reason the Battle or Siege of Zürich hadn't occurred yet. "Well, we would be forces to recognize Italy as it's own foreign nation then...and it would certainly be a blow to the enemy....."
         Luigi felt as if he was on trial for murder and his fellow NSDAP members were the jury. "Very well. I declare the Second Kingdom of Italy a de facto nation. Today is the first day of the era of the Italian Liberation Front! under Generalfeldmarshall Luigi Benitonitti! Hans, get this man his Iron Cross.."

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