Chapter 2: The Battle of Ceuno

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4th May, 1965: Ceuno, Second Kingdom of Italy (de facto nation)

      For two weeks, Anto had been preparing their forces. Luckily, German gun laws weren't strict, so, it was only a matter of beefing up their defensive lines and waiting for their kinsmen to learn how to use their experimental assault rifle, the ISR. The explosions came at day break. Bombs started falling on the city, but the rebels' planes were turned to rubble quickly by antiaircraft flak guns and the better made German craft. "Follow me!", Anto shouted, running into the trenches as rocket fire opened up on their position, followed by a charge. "FÜR ITALIA!", he shouted, firing his rifle on enemy troops stuck in the barbed wire. A machine gun from a gun bunker blazed to life, coordinated with anti-tank weapons. Explosions rocked the barbed wire, and sent it flying towards the line. "URAAAAAH!", the Communists shouted, gaining ground quickly. Anto reloaded, and fired upon the advancing rebels. One kicked him in the face, and was shot dead by a sniper. He continued firing on the rebels. "OVER THE TOP! WIN OR DIE!", he shouted, and they emptied into the killing field. Anto dove as bullets flew over his head, a second late and he would've died. The 'field' was a barren strip between two wooded areas outside the city, and beyond that? Wooden gun bunkers. The machine guns fired on him, and he jumped up and returned fire, killing the two foes. He pulled a shovel from his utility belt, and smacked it against a rebel's face, slashing the man's throat open. A tank fired a high explosive round to the left of him, and that was his de facto artillery, for his de facto country. A moment later, the trees were blasted out of the ground. Artillery smashed into the ground, splintering the trees and turning their splinters into deadly spears. One of his squadmates was lying on the ground, his stomach with a gash across it. He rushed to the man's side. "Help me, Sergeant! I don't want to die!", he shouted. He looked up at the medic. "Anzio! Get this soldier to safety!", he said, as another artillery shell blasted open the ground behind them, followed by more machine gun fire. A stabbing pain shot through Anto's calf, and he knew a tendon had been pierced by the wooden shrapnel. He dived behind the fallen oak, and returned fire, killing three of the five advancing rebels. A friendly transport plane flew overhead, and boxes of cluster bombs emptied from it's cargo hold, blowing splinters toward Anto and making his ears ring. A burst of SMG fire woke him back to Earth, and grazed his cheek. "Scheisse!", he shouted, running from his position. Halfway to safety, he dove back into the line of fire,  taking cover behind one of the still standing trees, he fired at one Communist soldier and hit him in the head, his comrade fell dead next, a bullet to the dead center of his heart. Friendly machine gun fire buzzed down on the attackers, and cut down 2 squadrons of them. A line of suppressive fire followed, and after a few minutes, the communist retreated.     Anto could see that in the distant alps, there was a patch of woods completely burning. Either a wildfire had started, or the Communists had received a particularly nasty Napalm strike.


Teufelslied: Italiaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن