Chapter 8: Corsica

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16th June, 1965: Rome, Second Kingdom of Italy

It had been two weeks since the execution of Commandant Van Idigerion, according to the 1st Rötjager Partisan Recon Division, it had been a brutal affair, even before they had slashed the throats of every R.S.S.P Party Member in attendance and scalped them. The four executioners, NCOs in the R.S.S.P.G questioned Van Idigerion, and then lead him to a Basilica Alter. Where, as if a Pagan Ritual was occurring, he was slashed by a Größmarshall across the chest. The four R.S.S.P.G members then stabbed him in the stomach, and he screamed, bleeding all over the steps of the alter, then, he was shot in the side of the head, in clear view of everyone. Then the Partians emerged from their hiding places with combat knives, and slashed their throats, the Größmarshall himself being shot to pieces by SMG fire.

     As Alto got his new uniform on, newly decorated with the insignia of a First Sergeant (German equal: Stabsfeldwebel), Generalfeldmarshall Benitonitti approached him. "Güten morgen, Herr.", Alto said, saluting him.
"Danke. Stabsfeldwebel. Bericht zu Fähre. Wir sind anzugreifen Corsica."
"Jawohl, Herr.", Anto grabbed his gun and headed off to the dock.
      The ferry ride soon saw the welcoming sight of explosions and fighter jets marked with Red Stars and Italian flags. As they approached the island, everybody remained silent, until a young Private broke the silence," many foes will we be facing?", he said.
      "In total? The remnants of Von Idigerion's forces. Numbering 50,000 leaderless R.R.A soldiers. They are densely packed though. In fact, they are the closest together they've ever been."
   The soldier nodded, and stared into the island. They washed ashore, and took up defensive positions in an apartment. The Partisans fired down on R.R.A, and after they were suppressed, the Italians finished the enemies off. They were as coordinated as a Roman Legion. They advanced down  the streets of Marina d'Erba Rossa.
    Tanks started to pour in on the shore. As Anto and his division advanced on Ghisonaccia, rocket artillery shook the Earth, explosion raining down like fire over the city.
           As they advanced into the city, scanning for snipers, New Ottoman planes rained down bombs on the city....awfully close to the Italian lines.
          They set up their defenses, under rubble and around every corner. And fired on attacking rebels. Rebel planes shot down Italian and Ottoman planes overhead as they advanced, dropping bombs on their positions. Gunfire came at Anto like a swarm of bees, killing several of his comrades! "RETURN FIRE!", he shouted, sliding a scope onto his StG60 and firing a few single fire shots at the enemy troops, killing several of them. One of the Partisans set a building on fire, killing everything inside. Sniper fire pierced his fuel tank, and set him on fire.
             Anto came under sniper fire then as well, ducking, and shot the man out of his window, causing him to plummet to his death. Rebel tanks exploded nearby. Anto ran to one of the fallen R.R.A soldier's bodies, and retrieved a sniper rifle with the accompanied ammo. 
     A tank approached him, adjusting the sights, he fired at the gunner, and a startled shot exploded near him, allowing him enough time to run to cover. "Adjusting angle..perfect.", he said, adjusting the scope on his newly found KJ62 by an inch, and switching to armor-piercing rounds. The bullet smashed through the tank, and it exploded.."Damn it!", he said, having missed the shot, though still killed his foe. He trained his sights on an enemy NCO, bolted his weapon, adjusted the sights, and fired. Right on Mark. The enemy fell down. He bolted the gun, reloaded, and fired on the enemy's squadmate, a machine gunner. The man's eye busted. He came under fire. Bolting the rifle, his shot hit the man in the knee, the next shot finished the job. "So I haven't gotten rusty!", Anto said, firing on another enemy, who fell backwards dead. "Great shouting, sir!", one of his squadmates said. "Danke!", he shouted back. A friendly tank rounded the corner, and cut down advancing enemies.
      At 13:30 hours, they received reports of Ottoman paratroopers firing on their friends. And then, at 13:40, their suspicions proved accurate. Ottoman soldiers with metal masks fired on them at Bocagnano. Anto ran to a MG60, and fired on the attackers. A few warning shots, and they returned fire. Then, he fired more concentrated bursts, cutting down the hostiles. He reloaded, and fired. An explosive shell knocked him back, injuring his knee, and he came under assault rifle fire. He fired on the foe, who crumpled like paper. A knife nearly stabbed him in the throat, grazing it. And the soldier wielding it tackled him. Anto whacked the soldier with his rifle, and stabbed him on the end of his bayonet.

Teufelslied: ItaliaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon