Chapter 4: Wounded

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27th May, 1965: CTO Hospital, Turin

            Anto woke to the beep of machinery, and a doctor looking over him. "", he struggled to say. "Ah, Sehr güt. Not completely dead. Maybe some minor brain damage.", the doctor said, the man had a heavy Saxon accent. "Where am I..?"
The doctor put on his best "oh God...another American?" face. "American?", he asked.
      "Nein, Italiana." Anto responded. "You get a lot of Americans here? Where are we anyways?"
"Turin. You were a bloody mess when we first saw forget the ranking system in your unit.."
"Sergeant, Herr Doktor.", Anto said, groaning with effort as he said it. Every muscle in his body ached. "How many of my bones are broken?"
He didn't know, but the reason his entire body only ached, and didn't paralyze him from the pain alone, is because he was constantly being injected with morphine.

Three days later, Anto was back in full health. He picked up a newspaper that read. "COMMUNIST ASSAULT ON CUENO REPELLED. R.R.A RETREATS TO CHAMBREY, NICE"
He read the article.
"Yesterday, the battles for Italy and Switzerland ended in an R.R.A retreat, with 4th Army and Italian Liberation Front forces charging the R.R.A lines, and breaking through. Generalfeldmarshall Benitonitti informed local reporters yesterday. His troops captured a long stretch of land on the French coast. "We're trying to refine our attacks as to not destroy to much history. Verdun is a great example of a liberated city. The culture there is a perfect mesh of German and local culture. Though, the enemy forces were not expecting an attack, so there was little  R.R.A forces there, so it's a special case." Benitonitti suffered 150,000 casualties pushing the foe towards Nice, and the territory is under Italian administration. Meanwhile, General-der-Panzer Helmuth Arnia suffered twice that. Meanwhile, Paris has fallen to the Sixth Army. Though a few garrisons of enemy troops remain, and fighting persists in the Paris suburbs."
          Anto sighed relief. An armored car pulled up next to him "Sergeant, we're taking you back to the front, if you don't mind."

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