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I don't exactly suggest walking out in the middle of a concert

And yet I get it

Because I know you. 


Something many people don't think you seem to have 

Haven't thought that for a long time.

But I do understand your reasons 

You've changed a lot there is no denying that

But to me you're still the same Justin, 

The boy who made me speechless with a single kiss

Or the way you tried to teach me to dance when we both knew it was hopeless

Or the times where we would play tag around the house like a bunch of psychopaths

The good things I miss. 

Those are the good things.

This however is a horrible thing. 

I want to be crazy together again not alone

Because I'm not being crazy anymore

I am crazy.

And so I need you like the earth needs the sun and the water just as much

Because I don't know what to do without you, 

Or with you.

I miss you. 

But how do I know if I love you. 

Because maybe its just a feeling. 

So you tell me..

Am I in love with you or am I in love with the feeling?

Lucy xx

The Feeling - {Justin Bieber} #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now