10. Jihad means Holy war.

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The Arabic word for war is not jihad. The use of the words 'holy war' by uniformed people might have its basis in the Christian use of the term during the Holy Crusades. The term Jihad is the Arabic word that means to struggle, or to strive. It is often described as being of several levels. Firstly, an internal struggle against one's self in an effort to become closer to God. Secondly it is a struggle to build a Muslim community based on social justice and human rights. Thirdly it is a military or armed struggle.

The armed struggle can be defensive or offensive. The defensive jihad is fought when Muslim lands are invaded and the lives of people, their wealth and honour are threatened. So the Muslims fight back the invading enemy in self defence. In the offensive jihad those people are fought who oppose the establishment of Islamic rule and from Islam reaching the people. Islam is a mercy for all of mankind and came to bring people out from the worship of stones and humans to the worship of One True God, from the oppression and injustices of culture, people and nations to the equality and justice of Islam. Once Islam has been made accessible to people, there is no compulsion in accepting it - it is up to the people.

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