you hurt yourself playing sports

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Preference #5-You Hurt Yourself By Playing Sports and He Takes Care Of You


"Shit!" The curse word leaves your lips as you kick the soccer ball wrong and fall over on your wrist. Soon enough, your boyfriend runs over to you also letting a stream of curse words leave his precious lips. Tears develop in your eyes as you hold your sore wrist against your chest, "Sweetheart let me see." Harry says in a calm voice. You shake your head, "No, no, no." You say quickly, "Please? I want to see if it's broken?" Finally you let him see your wrist and he holds it gently as he assess it, "It's not broken but I think we should wrap it." You nod and let him help you stand up. He helps you towards the house and props you up on the counter. He then finds the first aid kit and wraps your wrist tightly. You can't help but smile at how cute he's being, "...and a kiss to help it feel better." He says before pecking your lips.


You and Liam were in a heated game of tennis, he was pretty good but you were better. Or so you thought. You hit the ball as hard as you can and Liam hits it back and it goes straight for you face before you can react it hits you right on your nose and you feel blood begin to come out, "Ooooh no!" Liam yells jumping over the net and running towards you. You are already crying and holding your nose by the time he gets there, "I'm sooo sorry I'm-I'm such a jerk!" He yells, "It's okay." You reassure him knowing that it wasn't broken but it still hurt, "Let me see." He says and you take your hand away. He sighs before taking off his shirt and putting it on your nose, "Come on let's go inside and get some ice on that." He gives you a quick hug again saying sorry for your injury he caused.


"Yayyyy I can ride on a scooooottttterrrrr!" Louis yells causing you to laugh, "Baby, baby, baby come ride with me!" You don't think you both can fit but you go anyways and hop in front of him. At first Louis is responsible and goes straight not trying any tricks but then...just to scare you he begins making the scooter jump and going in figure eights. You can already tell that this will end badly and you try to tell him to stop doing that but before you can finish he turns to sharp and you fall off...but he doesn't. You scrape your elbow and shoulder, even though it wasn't that bad it still stings, "Oh my gosh I'm sooooo sorry!" He yells dropping the scooter and rushing over to you. Louis reaches into his pocket and pulls out two Mickey Mouse band aids, "I thought I was going to get hurt which is why I brought these." He says with a laugh helping you put them on. He kisses your cheek before saying again, "How about we try that again, yeah?"


You and Niall are playing soccer together...well he's teaching you how to play. At the moment you're trying to juggle it with your knees but getting pissed off because it won't work. So you get the ball and throw it against a wall and it comes back and hits you in the eye, "MY EYE!" You yell holding it feeling tears come to your eyes, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Niall yells running towards you. He cups your face in his hands and kisses your tears away, "Can I see princess?" You shake your head not wanting to take the pressure away, "Please princess? Just let me see if it's bad?" You finally give in and let him inspect your eye, "Oh princess it's not too horrible come on let's get you inside and get some ice." He says nodding before picking you up like parents do with their children and taking you inside.


"I can't get it!" You say trying to get the steps to your dance right for you recital, you take ballet and saying that it was hard was an understatement. Your feet hurt in your shoes and it was getting too much. Zayn sighs standing up from where he was watching you and hugs you from behind, "Your feet hurt I can tell let me take care of it?" He asks. You nod and let him take you to the bathroom where he takes off your shoes revealing them bleeding, he turns the water to the right temperature and puts them in there to soak while he massages your shoulders and leaves a line of kisses from your shoulder to your jaw

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