advice from the boys after a fight

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Harry: "Are you okay, mate?" Harry hears a voice from above him ask, and despite the question being asked in a completely friendly manner, he can't help but scoff. "Fine," he says dryly, but the blonde boy isn't having any of it. "Doubt it. You've been sitting here all night looking grumpy. What's up? You feelin' ill?" Harry's eyes are still on his phone when he speaks to his friend, though. "Could you not, Niall? Not in the mood, alright?" "... Are you mad at me?" Harry lets out a big breath of air and finally meets the blonde boy's eyes, leaning back against the couch, his eyes dark and his eyebrows furrowed. "Did I say I was? Can't I get one night where I'm left alone? " Harry snaps, but his eyes immediately soften when he realises how taken aback Niall is. "Shit, I'm sorry. I just got into a fight with (Y/N). She's mad that they're extending the tour or something, like it's my fault that I'm gonna be gone a few more weeks," Harry explains. Niall nods thoughtfully, "sorry mate. It must be hard being this far away from her, huh?" Harry simply raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement, not wanting to get into how much he missed you. "Tell her then," Niall begins. "Don't be mad at her, you can't really blame her anyway. She never gets to see you these days. Call her and tell her how much you miss her and love her and all that stuff. There's no point in being angry with each other when you're on the other side of the world. You know (Y/N) loves you, she's upset she never gets to see you as often as she'd like," Niall says. Harry stares at him in shock, mouth slightly open. He stands up, grabbing his phone and making his way to the balcony so he can call you privately. Harry comes back for a moment and ruffles Niall's hair, "have I ever told how much I love you?" He jokes, and Niall swats his hand away playfully. "Tell your girlfriend that, not me."

Niall: Niall tries not glare at the couple. They're not harming anyone but he still can't keep it in and he gives a small groan. "Could you not? I'm trying to watch a film," he mutters. Louis raises an eyebrow while Eleanor gives him a small smile and whispers something in her boyfriend's ear, before walking away and giving Niall's shoulder a gentle touch. "Could you not talk to my girlfriend like that?" Louis snaps back. "What was that about? We were whispering, you could barely hear us." Niall looks at the older boy and shake his head. "I know, I'm sorry. I just... me and (Y/N) had a bit of an argument earlier and now she's at her mate's place." Louis nods slowly at this. "Go find her then. Why are you sitting being all grumpy at me and El? Who, by the way, I expect you to say sorry to," Louis says, voice a little darker than it was earlier. "I know, Lou, I will, don't worry. But I'm not gonna go find (Y/N), shouldn't she come to me or something? I just... I hate it when we fight, but with the tour and everything on now, I'm just too tired to deal with it." Louis gives Niall a 'did you really just say that' look, clearly not agreeing with the other boy. "Does it matter who goes to who first? Lose your pride, Horan. This is your girlfriend and she's mad at you. At the end of the day all that really matters is if you're both together, right? Don't you wanna see her anyway? Instead of being stuck in here?" Louis questions, and Niall pats his friend on the back before searching for his car keys in a hurry.

Zayn: "Whoa, I thought you were getting ready?" Harry asks when he steps into Zayn's bedroom. "I mean I know we call you vain and stuff... but really?" Zayn, however, tosses his phone on the bed before looking up at his friend to send him a scowl. "If looks could kill, huh," Harry jokes, but the smiles drops when he sees how serious Zayn's face is. "Sorry... what's wrong? You don't wanna go out tonight?" Zayn exhales loudly before answering. "Yeah, Harry, I totally wanna go out after having a massive fight with my girlfriend. I'm sure (Y/N) will really appreciate me going out partying with you guys while she's completely upset with me," Zayn retorts, sitting down on his bed. "You guys go, leave me alone. I don't feeling going out." Harry stands there awkwardly, looking not so sure of himself, but sits down by Zayn on the bed anyway. "I was wondering why (Y/N) wasn't here. What happened? Why'd you fight?" Harry asks, concern in his voice. "She... she's been reading those stupid magazines too much. They're filled with all these rumours and blurry photos and interviews and it's all just bullshit. She thinks I'm cheating on her. I told her she was crazy and then bam, this massive argument starts. She left a while ago." Harry throws an arm around the other boy, squeezing him sympathetically. "Go after then," Harry offers, but Zayn simply snorts at this. "What?" Harry asks, giving him a look, "What's wrong with that? Go find her and tell you're sorry. It was a silly little fight, and you're gonna forgive each other eventually, so why not? You can't blame the poor girl, anyway. (Y/N) can't go a day without hearing a story about her boyfriend cheating on her," Zayn narrows his eyes, mouth open as if about to protest, but Harry doesn't let him, "and I know you'd never do that to her, because I'd kill you if you did, but you aren't a dick and you love her. Go tell her that, you idiot," Harry advises, and Zayn pulls Harry close to kiss him on the cheek before picking up his phone to call you up.

Liam: "Liam, a bit more energy, yeah?" The photographer asks for the third time, but Liam simply gives him a small nod, not really paying attention at all. All the boys have noticed Liam's lack of enthusiasm, but Zayn is the first one to approach him about it. "You okay?" He whispers when they're told to have a break, and Liam is about to shake his head yes before shaking his head no. "No, I'm not, clearly," Liam answers dryly, and Zayn places a friendly hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" Zayn asks, his voice sincere, and Liam can tell that he's being genuine, so he caves and lets him in, "(Y/N) and I had a fight before we came over here. We were supposed to go out to dinner tonight but I told her the photo shoot was gonna be longer than expected. And well, she wasn't exactly happy it," he sighs, sitting down and eyeing his phone, going straight to your name in his contact list. "Call her then," Zayn encourages, "tell her what's going on and that," but Liam gives him a look that shows he doesn't want to take his friend's advice. "Don't be an idiot, Liam. If she's upset about you cancelling dinner then she wanted to spend time with you. Doesn't that prove that she loves you? You two have to schedule your dates now, she must have thought that if you planned tonight in advance then it was gonna happen. Call her and talk about it, mate. She's your girl, remember," Zayn finishes. Liam is speechless for a second, and Zayn gets impatient and rolls his eyes, picking up Liam's phone and calling you for him.

Louis: Louis is muttering things under his breath and refusing to be nice to anyone, so when the waiter brings over Louis' food and he harshly whispers a very blunt thanks, Liam decides to pull him aside and question him. "Why are you so grumpy? You could at least smile," Liam offers, but Louis gives him the biggest eye roll he's ever seen. "We can't all be like you, Liam. Smiles and puppies all day long," Louis says, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. Liam ignores his attitude, though, and goes straight to the problem. "Why are you so mad? I thought you'd have fun tonight, you said you wanted a night out..." But Louis groans loudly at this, his head hitting the wall lightly when he throws it back. "I'm an idiot," he grumbles, and Liam's at the wall next to him now. "Me and (Y/N) got into a fight and I take the easy way out and go out to dinner with my mates." "Oh," Liam begins, "well why are you here then? Me and the boys won't mind, especially if (Y/N) is gonna be upset all night long." Louis closes his eyes, "don't talk about (Y/N) being upset. That's the reason I left in the first place. I hate seeing her cry, especially when I'm the reason she's crying. So I coward out and get out of it as soon as possible." Liam gives Louis a small shove. "Then can go home, Lou. You're gonna sit here all night waiting for her to stop being upset? Go home, buy her some chocolate along the way, and get on your knees and beg for forgiveness." Louis raises his eyebrows at this, muttering something about your favourite chocolate, before kissing Liam on the forehead in a wild hurry to get back to you.

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