| chapter 8 |

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Ashton started walking, he passed me and continued on. "where're you going?"

he looked back at me and answered "school, heard of it?" I rolled my eyes at him and continued talking "Luke's only a road away he's coming to get us."

even though I was arguing with Jim, the bus driver, I still texted Luke.

"alright then" Ashton stopped in his place and waited, a couple of meters separating us.

I lit a cigarette and placed it in between my lips inhaling the poison then exhaling.

"what a way to die, one cigarette at a time... your shoelaces are untied by the way" I ignored his comment and took another short drag.

I only realized he was by me when he knelt down and started tying my shoelaces. I managed to mutter a 'thank you' in between the drags of smoke I took in. he nodded in reply and stood to my side.

Luke appeared just then with Calum in the back seat. Ashton walked ahead of me and into the backseat while I inhaled one more time then threw it away.

I entered the car seating myself in the passenger seat with Luke to my side.

"good morning" I said to both of them. Calum answered back unlike Luke.

"what's wrong with you?" I asked expecting Luke to spill the beans right away. no answer.

finally he spoke up "can I get a cigarette?"
"uh, sure" I rummaged through my bag and handed the pack of cigarettes to him.

"thanks" I nodded in reply.

a few minutes later we were at school. everyone was already waiting for us in our usual morning meet up spot. Luke got out the car and directly headed to the trashcan.

I already knew what he was going to do. "Luke don't. I used my own money on that"

"find something better to spend your money on" with that, he threw the pack of cigarettes in the garbage.

"Isabelle, you know how I feel about this. I know I do it but I'm trying to stop, don't want you getting addicted like I did."

I didn't say anything back, we both walked back to the group and got into school. I knew he was right, there was nothing to say.

silence was better than defending a losing case.

Shoelaces ↠5sos || A.I. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin