Larry Stylinson

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My luck seemed to be turning. Not only did I have the ideal boyfriend (Louis – well okay he wasn’t my boyfriend yet, but he should be) strutting along beside me, as it turns out, when my Dad chose the apartment we were going to live in, he didn’t look at our neighbors. And guess what? OUR NEIGHBORS WERE LOUIS, LIAM, HARRY, NIALL AND ZAYN!!! Louis and Harry shared an apartment next to us, and all the other lived by themselves down the corridor. It was great!

  We got to our apartment and I dumped my luggage in my new room. It was pretty big, with a double bed and a little sofa in the corner, and en-suite bathroom. I went into the kitchen and helped my Dad make tea. Because, you know, that’s what British people do. They make tea. After that Dad offered to go to the shops and grab some essentials (chocolate, milk, tea, ice-cream) and get some pizza for takeout, so I wondered next door to Louis and Harry.


I raced Louis into our apartment, and dumped my bags on the bed by the window. Before tour it was Louis’ bed, but the bed I had slept on gave me a bad back, and Louis wouldn’t want that for me, I’m sure he would be more than willing to take the strain for me, you know, being a bromance and all that. Haha. I slumped down on the cushions and began to snore loudly as Louis came in.

 “Harry!” he yelled, reminding me a bit of Ron in Harry Potter. He threw all the pillows from his bed onto my face.

“That’s my bed!”

I snored a little bit louder.  Louis went into the corner and dumped his stuff.

 “Fine then, I never liked that bed anyway,”

I got up and came over to where Louis was sulking. I jumped on him and pinned him to the mattress. He squirmed underneath me, and I got a face-full of airplane-smelling hair as he turned around to face me. He grabbed my cheeks with both hands and tried to wrestle my face away from his as he started giggling. I started laughing my head off and grabbed his hands and tried to force them away before he hurt my face any more. The bed creaked as Louis suddenly shifted his weight and grabbed my hair and tugged. He always does that. We both crashed on the floor in a sweaty mess.  

 And that was when Simone walked in.


I couldn’t breathe with Harry’s curly hair in my face. I also couldn’t figure out why he’d gone quiet all of a sudden. I pushed his hair away and got up from the ground. Then I figured out why. Simone was standing in the doorway, looking at us in a pile on the floor. Well this isn’t going help our bromance rumors. Even if she didn’t know who we were yet, she was bound to find out. I pushed Harry off me as Simone raised her eyebrows, backed out and shut the door without saying anything.

  ‘Great,” I muttered as Harry re-arranged his hair, “Now she’s going to go running to Zayn or something,”

“Probably mate,” Harry said with his mouth full. What was that boy eating? There was no food in our room yet. It was probably better not to ask. I waved my hand over my face and went to find Simone.


  I slid the door to Louis and Harry’s apartment shut. Wow. That was awkward. I think it’ll be best to avoid the two of them for a bit. 'My ideal boyfriend is possibly gay,' I smiled to myself. Wow again. My world was messed up.

 I knocked on the door to Zayn’s apartment, and when hearing no answer, let myself in. Zayn fascinated me. He was trying to play hard to get but he was flirting with my like crazy. Even though I had only one boyfriend, I knew all the tricks from the many episodes of Mean Girls (the TV show) that I had before we moved.

 I sat on his sofa and grabbed his laptop, which was charging on the sofa. I opened Safari and searched ‘Other Direction.’ Nothing came up except a little tab saying ‘Did you mean One Direction?’ No. I didn’t. So much for well known. I closed the browser and opened his documents. There were some photos of the boys and his family and everything, but then I saw a little folder marked ‘do not read’. So I clicked on it. There were a whole lot of documents in the folder, but one that stood out was a Word Document that was last saved about 5 minutes ago. I opened it.


In Louis’ arms. Laughing.

Maybe you’re his.

Or maybe you’re mine.

No, not yet. But soon.

Everything about you is me.

Me. He wrote something about me. Oh my god he likes me. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god. That is so sweet. I mean, he’s not very poetic, but it’s the thought that counts.

 A door opened.

  “Can I help you?” I heard Zayn’s voice say.

I looked up slowly to see the man himself leaning against the door to the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and beads of water dripping off his chest. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. He has a tattoo!

 “My laptops dead. Harry said it was okay to use your one,” I stammered, wondering whether my laptop actually was dead. Zayn came further into the room. His hair was pressed down against his face.

 “Did he now?”

  He sat down next to me, spraying me with warm water. I hurriedly closed the document and shut the laptop lid. Putting it on the ground so it wouldn’t accidently fall off my lap.

 “Y-y-yes?” I spluttered. Okay. Calm… Hot, probably naked guy sitting next to me BUT I SHOULD STILL HAVE CONTROL OF MY VOICE BOX!! Okay. Calm. Time to turn the game around. I liked Zayn and he liked me. Simple.

 “Possibly, or maybe I just wanted to see you,” I leant slightly closer to him.

 “Oh really,” he murmured. His breathe smelled of chocolate. Yum. I put my arms around his neck. Louis and Harry, me and Zayn. Simple.  One and one.


  He put his arms around my waist and sealed the deal by crashing his lips to mine.

 “Definitely,” he said against my mouth. I giggled. He moved on top of me and gently began massaging my shoulder blades. I was actually starting to enjoy it when the door burst open. Zayn jumped off me and hastily re-arranged his towel. I turned around to see the very person I had hoped to avoid standing in the doorway. His sexy bowl cut slightly askew, his blue-green eyes cold.


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