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(The next couple of chapters will be mainly about Niall and Liam and Harry and stuff… not much of the other main characters)

After quickly throwing my stuff in my room, I texted my Mum to tell her I was home. She had come down to London from Ireland to see me. I grabbed my coat and shouted a goodbye to Liam, who was snoring again. She replied to me as I was walking out the front door. She was waiting at a café a few minutes walk from where I live.

 I dodged a couple of cars and a bus as I ran across the road to the café. It was wonderfully warm compared to the cold outside, and I banged my hands together to get my blood flowing again. My Mum gave me a hug as I sat down next to her. We chatted about the Australia Tour, and I told her all about the possible Simone and Louis match. My Mum loves Louis, Simone, not so much.

 “She’s just another screaming fan,” she kept saying over and over again.

 “But Mum,” I felt like I was saying this for the hundredth time. “She doesn’t even know who we are, and fame isn’t going to my head or anything but there aren’t many people Down Under who don’t know who we are,”

 My Mum patted my shoulder. “I think fame is going to your head dear. If it weren’t for XFactor, you would be home in Ireland studying for college.”

 I rolled my eyes and pulled my buzzing phone out of my pocket. It was playing the National Anthem, but softly. Liam probably set it to that as a joke or something. I’m glad I put the ringer to soft. I looked at the caller ID.

  It was somebody who I thought I would never hear from again.

 I flipped open the phone.


“Oh hello Niall,” the soft Irish accent came back at me. She was mimicking me. No-one mimics me.

 “Oh how you’ve changed, I almost didn’t recognize your voice. Did you miss me handsome?”

 I gulped as my Mum looked at me knowingly. Nobody has called me handsome in a while. My heartbeat was all over the place and my stomach was churning.


The voice laughed. “Well, I’d better go, I’ll see you soon Niall, don’t die in your sleep,”

The voice hung up before I could figure out whether that was an empty threat or not. My Mum cleared her throat.

 “It’s her again, isn’t it?”

I nodded. How could she find me?

“Get a cab,” she said sympathetically. “I know its only a few minutes, but I don’t want you running into the likes of her on your way back,”

I nodded again and kissed my Mum goodbye as I went outside and hailed a cab. She turned down the offer for a lift, so I went back to the apartment alone, my thoughts focusing on the same five words. How could she find me?


 I woke up to darkness. That is, until I flicked on my light.

After getting back from Australia I had crashed out on my bed and went to sleep. Now I had a crick in my neck and I was busting for a pee. As I went into the bathroom I checked the time on my clock. 21:45. I had slept for 7 hours.

  After flushing the toilet I wondered into the kitchen in my boxers, scratching my armpit. I heard the microwave going and my sleep-deprived brain automatically went to murderers and evil people skulking around in my apartment. I leaned in warily. But the person that turned around wasn’t a murderer, it was just Mary.

She smiled at me.

 “I hope you don’t mind,” she said softly.

 “Harry texted me to say you were back so I let myself in. I didn’t want to wake you up so I just waited.”

I smiled sleepily at my beautiful girlfriend as she came over to me and gave me a hug.

 “My phone’s probably out of battery,” I muttered, enjoying the feel of my girlfriend hugging me for the first time in months. We broke apart and smiled at eachother.

 “So how was your Australia Tour?” she said, grabbing 2 hot chocolates out of the microwave and sitting down at the coffee table.

 “You guys made quite an impression apparently, you were on the news here a couple of times,”

 I nodded and took a sip of hot chocolate. Then started coughing as the hot liquid scalded my throat.

 “It was great,” I hacked, as Mary passed me a glass of water. I gulped it down before blowing on my hot chocolate.

“I missed you,” she said, staring down into the dregs of her drink. I smoothed her hair back from her forehead and stroked her cheek gently.

 “I missed you too darling,” I whispered. She smiled a bit and kissed me on the cheek.

 “I’d better go, you have to sleep tonight or you’ll be jet lagged tomorrow. Go back to bed,” she said, standing up and putting her cup in the sink. I gulped down the rest of my now-cold hot chocolate.

 “No wait,” I said desperately.

 “Can’t you stay with me tonight?”

 Mary smiled at me.

 “Well, okay then, but don’t stay awake all night tossing and turning, I hate it when you do that,”

 I grinned happily and kissed her.

 “Lets go to bed then beautiful,”

I was smiling uncontrollably as I pushed her into my room and shut the door behind me. My life was great.

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