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Danisnotonfire is online

Amazingphil: hey dannyboy

Danisnotonfire: hey Phil....

Amazingphil: HEY U WANNA PLAY A GAME?! :D

Danisnotonfire: haha sure sure

Amazingphil: okay Truth or dare???

Danisnotonfire: oh god

Amazingphil: come on truth or dare???

Danisnotonfire: uh dare?

Amazingphil: I dare you to ask out the person you like!!!

Danisnotonfire: no Phil

Amazingphil: yes Dan

Danisnotonfire: I refuse

Amazingphil: ughhhh you are impossible. Okay well I gtg make dinner. Talk later Danny

Danisnotonfire: yeah ok

Amazingphil has signed off

Danisnotonfire: will you go out with me?

Message deleted

Danisnotonfire has signed off

Hey guys look Louise is so perfect okay and she won't see that and it really frustrates me because she is just so beautiful and ugh. She is flawless. Someone try to make her see that because I'm failing to.


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