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Amazingphil is online

Amazingphil: Dan?? Um you know I can see what u deleted right?? It uh alerted on my lock screen.

Amazingphil: you- you like me??

Amazingphil: Danny please answer me I uh I need to talk to you

Amazingphil: please??


Amazingphil: Dan I'm begging you!! Talk to me baby

Danisnotonfire: hi

Amazingphil: DAN!!!

Danisnotonfire: yeah

Amazingphil: are you ok?

Danisnotonfire: no

Amazingphil: why not Danny?

Danisnotonfire: I'm just a fucked up human, you deserve so much better

Amazingphil: that's not true. That's not true at all. Fuck I'm supposed to be straight

Danisnotonfire: ha!

Amazingphil: what???

Danisnotonfire: nothing nothing

Amazingphil: hmmmm :|

Danisnotonfire: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you my feelings, you have a girlfriend

Amazingphil: God Dan I don't even like her.

Danisnotonfire: no?

Amazingphil: no

Danisnotonfire: okay

Amazingphil: okay

Danisnotonfire has signed off

Amazingphil: okay...

Guys she still won't see it. I guess u have kind of imagined who this story is dedicated too, if u haven't then go look back on previous AN's. She is so perfect and god she won't see it!!! It's annoying!!

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