SurvHive (by Bob)

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Lewis rushed through the corridor, trying to escape the alien that had wiped out most of the crew. Only four others remained, Tom, Ben, Rythian and Sjin. He ran into the living quarters, where Sjin was tending to Rythian, who had a big gash across his arm, which was bleeding profusely. Rythian wasn't human, so Lewis was a little weary of him, but he knew that he wasn't the same species as the awful, red skinned abomination that had chased him, so Lewis was thankful for that. They looked up as he slowed down into the room
"Do you guys know where Ben and Tom are? We need to group up," Lewis said, catching his breath
"No, hopefully they should think to come here though," Rythian replied, looking at the dark purple blood that covered his fingertips
"Yeah," Sjin agreed as he finished bandaging. As if on que, two sets of footsteps approached them. Lewis sighed with relief.
"We should head to the lab, we can take a blood test to see if anyone is infected," Sjin suggested
"They can infect people?" Ben exclaimed, glancing at Tom
"Yeah, we had to flush some of them out into space because people were turning into the aliens," Tom nodded
"Ok, we can head to the lab, and hopefully Sjin can start working on a cure if anyone is infected," Lewis suggested
Rythian chuckled "I don't think that's how cures work, Lewis."
"Well... a treatment or something!" Lewis replied "anyway, let's go."

They arrived at the lab a few minutes later, and they all sat down.
"So, whoever has some kind of different coloured blood will probably be the alien," Sjin explained. Lewis looked at Rythian
"What- don't look at me! You know I'm not a human!" Rythian exclaimed, before whispering something that wasn't English to himself
"Right, so it's just as simple as looking at the colour of the blood?" Ben asked
"I think it is," Sjin replied, grabbing a needle "we could probably all do it ourselves."
"Okay," Tom said, taking a needle that Sjin offered
"Who's gonna be the first person to make a drug joke?" Rythian asked, turning the needle in his hand
"I was about to," Ben confessed, taking a sample. They all placed their blood samples on the table and Lewis suddenly looked around at everyone else in fear. Only his blood was red. All other four samples were jet black, like ink. He noticed everyone else in the room looking at him.
"I-I'm not the alien, I swear!" Lewis cried
"We never said you were," Tom chuckled 
"Since this is a little unfair, let's be honest, you get five seconds to run," Rythian said, grinning evilly, showing huge fangs that clearly weren't there before. Ben started eyeing his flamethrower.
Lewis span on his heel and sprinted out through the door as fast as he could.
He could tell that they were waiting at the door. He needed to get to the hangar and take the last escape pod.
He felt humiliated. They had toyed with him.
He wasn't going to let them catch him.
Time was up, he could already hear at least two of them chasing after him, their footsteps faster and growing louder with every step. He'd have to try and lose them. Lewis turned a corner and came face to face with Ben. He noticed that he was missing any sort of colour in his eyes. Just pupils. He slowly advanced on Lewis, smirking, and Lewis backed up.
"That was quick," Sjin laughed approaching next to Tom, arms folded. They all had colourless eyes. Why hadn't he noticed?! Rythian approached from where Lewis had been running to, had he not turned to see Ben.
"Game over," Rythian chuckled. Lewis couldn't do anything. He closed his eyes and he felt them start to water.

So here's the video I based it on if you wanna watch it.

I know Ben isn't this evil irl but w/e. It was fun and I'm probably gonna do a mini comic for it at some point.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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