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You're going on a day trip with work, you're going to the zooniverse, the best zoo in Britain. (Ps. Your 100% pure bread virgin). You're excited. The zoo has a great boss, called Bob Fossil. You've looked up to him for a long time. He can sing, talk and (especially) dance. He dances like a angel. And you are excited to meet him. Your daydreaming on the bus. Lost in thought, thinking of his sexy body... Then, you see it. The Zooniverse sign. You almost squeal with joy. "Hey y/n, you coming? the bus drivers gonna drop us of now!" Penelope Brighthead said. You sneered at her, she's so annoying! "What! We're still blooming moving!" You shout in her face, you don't like that girl one bit. "It's cheaper if the bus driver doesn't stop." She answered. Touché, that makes sense you think. But you must think of a comeback, "-insert comeback here-" You sneer, then you get up and jump of the yellow school bus (it was cheaper if you used a second hand bus). You squeal with excitement as you see the one and only Bob Fossil standing at the gateway eating a mouldy sandwich he found in the bin. You almost faint. And then, he shouts, "HEY BUTT HEADS! GET OVER HERE!"

And you let go. You love him too much. And you faint.

I hate my life. The Ray fish, I understand your pain now.

"Read this or die!"-Bob Fossil 2016Where stories live. Discover now