The end?

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"Tommy, come here now! You're going on a play date with Kirk, whether you like it or not!" You shout.

It's been ten years. You've married Bob, and live together with two beautiful children. Tommy (named after Tommy Noeka, R.I.P) who's 6 and Vincard who's 2 (you couldn't decide between Vince or Howard so you combined them, you're a cruel mother naming you child that, but it made Vince and Howard happy).

Bob never knew your name, so he called you "kid" for the past 10 years.

Your parents weren't accepting of Bob. So you moved to the shammon world, where Tommy and Kirk made friends.
Poor Vincard has never found a friend, and you are pretty sure it will stay like that.

You and Bob live a happy marriage.

Oh, Penelope? She lives alone in the school bus.

The end.

Or is it...?

"Read this or die!"-Bob Fossil 2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang