Chapter 2 ~ The Adoption

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Adam's POV

"Hurry up" Behati impatiently said. 

Today is the day Behati and I will go to the foster home to adopt a little girl! I was sent a picture of her through email. From what I know, her name is Courtney and she is four years old. I grabbed my hairbrush and started fixing up my hair.

"Come on Adam!! Get in the car!" 

ughhh sometimes Behati can be really impatient. But I think that she is really excited to have a little girl to live with!

I got in the car and we started driving off to the foster home. The drive was kind of long but it felt even longer because I had to listen to Behati the whole way there... I mean yes, I do love her but she can get annoying sometimes. 

Behati's POV

We finally approached the foster home and pulled into the parking lot. As I knocked on the door, a large woman opened it

"Hello Adam and Behati, I've been expecting you. Let me get Courtney. " she said

I don't know why, but I really felt as if this lady wasn't as nice as she was acting in front of me... come on, that fake smile that was plastered on her face...

Within a couple of seconds a cute, tiny little girl appeared in the kitchen where Adam and I were waiting. 

"Hi" she shyly said as her tiny, bright blue eyes glanced over to us.

aw! She was so cute! So cute... yeah well she better be able to work for me... I quietly thought to myself. 

Courtney's POV

So this couple Adam and Behati are going to adopt me. I don't really know what to think yet. Adam seems really nice but Behati comes across a little suspicious to me. Okay, I really need to stop thinking this way and judging people at first sight. Come on, everyone can't be as bad as some of my previous foster parents... 

It's kind of hard for me to imagine having parents that actually wanted to keep me, live with me and not abuse me but I hoped for the best with Adam and Behati. 

My paperwork was signed and my bag was placed into the back of Adam and Behati's sleek black car. I didn't have that many outfits but Adam and Behati agreed to take me shopping.

"Lets go! I can't wait to show you our house!" a very excited Adam said. 

I will admit it... Adam seems pretty nice and I am kind of excited! I do recognize Adam from somewhere. I think it was that TV show, The Voice. Some of the older kids watched at the foster home when the younger kids and I were told to go to bed. But I still very quietely sneaked downstairs and watched it! I thought the girl on it, Christina was so pretty. 


Not the best chapter : / But the next chapter will probably be up later today sometime! I wouldn't call the next chapter a "filler" but there won't be so much action. So most likely I will post that chapter today and maybe the next chapter that comes after that one to keep you guys interested!

Oh, and as usual... comment any ideas or suggestions for up coming chapters! xoxo

I don't care sooo much about votes and stuff but... maybe

8-10 votes?

12+ reads? 

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