Chapter 3 ~ Going Home

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Quick Note (sorry!) - Just wanted to let you guys know that Courtney is about 6 years old!


Courtney's POV

I got into Adam's car along with Behati. I don't know her that well just yet, but I think she seems kind of nice. She agreed to take me shopping for new clothes because I didn't have that many. The drive was kind of long. Behati and Adam were going back and forth talking about something so I just sat there and stared out the window. I snapped out of my daydream when I heard Adam say...

"Court, I want to tell you something!"

Adam's POV

What I wanted to tell Courtney was that I am going to take her onto The Voice set when we had to film in a couple of days. I really wanted to introduce her to Christina, Ceelo and Blake. I knew that she would really like them!

"So Court, you know I'm on The Voice, right?"

"Yeah!" she eagerly replied. 

"Well, I have to go and film in a couple of days and I ant to take you with me!" Adam said.

"Really!?!? Will I get to meet Christina?" Courtney excitedly said.

"Yes! You will!" I was so happy that she was excited to go! I thought to myself.

Courtney's POV

I'm so excited to go with Adam to The Voice! I really want to meet Christina. But I'm actually a little nervous. I hope she likes me...

I continued to stare out the window and think about going to The Voice. I couldn't wait. 

I also was thinking about going to Adam and Behati's house.

 "Will I ever be able to call Behati mommy?" I quietly thought to myself, as tears sprang into my eyes. I quickly brushed them away and took a deep breath.

"Are we almost there?" I impatiently asked.

"Almost!" Behati answered.

--10 Minutes Later--

Courtney's POV

We just pulled up at Adam's gate, I held my stuffed animal and hoped for the best. The gate opened and revealed their house...

"House?!?, more like palace!" I silently joked to myself.

We got out of the car and Adam grabbed my bag. My new parents told me that they were going to take me to my room and then give me a tour of the house.

"I was going to need a GPS in order to not get lost in the mansion!" I thought to myself.

We walked up the stairs that led to the front door. Adam unlocked the front door and pulled it open. Wow! This house was huge! 

We walked up to my room, there must have been about 1,000 stairs! Behati clicked my door open and revealed a pretty, pink room! I loved it! I even had my own bathroom. With pink cabinets! 

"Wow! Thanks!" I said. I was so excited!

Adam placed my bag on my queen sized bed. I was actually spoiled. 

After putting my few dresses, shirts, and jeans away we went downstairs. 

"Down these stairs again!" I thought to myself. 

Adam's POV

Courtney actually seemed excited. She loved her new bedroom. Behati and I led her back down the stairs to give her a tour of the house. I showed her the kitchen, living room, dining room, 5 guest bedrooms, me and Behati's bedroom, the music room, some bathroms, a bunch of other rooms and finally the basement, which already had some Barbie Dolls and a doll house in it for Courtney!

She looked at the dolls and was thrilled!

"I love it!" Court said.

Court was so excited and I was so happy. She finally had a home.

Courtney's POV

I'm guessing it was getting late because Adam and Behati brought me to bed. When Behati left Adam told me that he was going to leave tomorrow morning and fly to New York for two days. He let me know that he was going to work on some of his music there But as soon as he came back, on Thursday morning we were going to The Voice.

"Okay Court?" Adam asked.

"Yeah." I said.

Adam left my room and kissed me good night. As he walked out of my room, I stared at the ceiling thinking. I realized that since Adam was going to be gone, that meant Behati was going to have to watch me. I was slightly nervous, since I was closer to Adam. At least I had The Voice to look foward to. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Adam's POV

To be honest, I was slightly nervous about leaving Court with Behati. Even though I love her. Behati slept very late and I forgot to tell this to Courtney. As I walked back to my bedroom, Behati was already sleeping. I sat there for a while. Then I realized... I should write and leave Courtney a note on her desk to let her know about Behati. I went downstairs, grabbed a piece of paper and wrote,

Dear Court,

I love you so much. I hope you remembered that I left and that I'm already headed to New York. I just wanted to let you know that Behati probably sleeps late compaired to you. I'm guessing that you wake up between 8:30 and 9:30. Please try not to wake her up, even thought she would probably understand.  Okay, love you! xx 

Love, Adam

I quietly walked into her room and placed it onto her desk.

--Morning, 9 AM--

Courtney's POV

I woke up and glanced at my clock. It was about 9 AM. I walked downstairs... but then I realized that Adam had left for New York! So I went back to my room, very quietly. Trying not to wake Behati up. I crept back into my room and saw a note on my desk it, I read it to myself and realized that it was from Adam. I took it with me into my bed and put my TV on. I watched Disney channel for about an hour. It was about 11 when Behati finally woke up.


Kind of boring chapter... I agree! But I had to go through this stuff. Next one wil have some action! If you have any ideas, comment them below! I want to say that Christina will probably be introduced in the next chapter. If not definitely the one after it. I will probably update today if I have a chance. xoxo

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