Chapter 4 ~ Dishes and The Voice...

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Courtney's POV

It was now 11 and Behati had woken up. 

"HEY GO WASH ALL OF THE DISHES!" Behati aggresively said

"N-no, w-why can't you or A-adam do i-it?" I nervously asked

"DO IT NOW" Behati snapped back.

Before I had a chance to make it to the kitchen Behati kicked me right in the stomach! Hard! I started  crying and ran to the sink. There were a couple of glass dishes in it.

"I f-finished" I mumbled to Behati.

"Good, let me tell you something..." Behati said.


"You can't tell Adam, okay Court?" Behati whipsered to me.

"Okay" I mumbled.

I wanted to tell Adam. But I really don't want Behati to hurt me again or even Adam. It was just like "memories" with my old dad


"Ohhh Courtneyyyy, where are youuu" my dad slurred.

Before I knew it a beer bottle was thrown and shattered on my back. I quickly shot my hands up, protecting my face. Then punches were violently thrown at my stomach. I had no clue what to do and my Mom wasn't home. But anyway, she would probably just join in on the abusing... so why did it even matter if she was home?! I quickly ran to my room, locked the door and started fiercely crying into my pillow, not fully understanding what was happening and wishing that someone was there for me.

End of Flashback

As I sat on my bed and stared into space... I thought to myself,

"Yeah, I'm probably not going to tell Adam."

What did I do to deserve this? I just want a Mom who cares about me and loves me...


Finally! Adam was coming home today! He was coming home in about an hour and then we were going to film The Voice! But Behati actually had woken me up, much earlier than she has been waking up and dragged me into her bathroom...

"Remeber what I said, You can't tell Adam!" She yet again said.

"I know, I know." I reassured her.

"Okay good. I'm going to put some make up on you to hide the bruise." Behati eagerly and secretively said.

Then she whiped out her bottle of cover-up and began to lather it on my cheek. It stung a bit but otherwise it was okay. 

Behati's POV

I quickly lathered the cover-up over Courtney's bruise so Adam wouldn't find out. I also heard that he will be taking her to The Voice so I really can't have any of the judges see that bruise. Especially Christina. But whatever Court deserved it. She's so annoying.

Courtney's POV

--1 Hour Later--

"I'm home!" Adam excitedly said as he walked through the front door. 

I was so happy that Adam was home! We get to go to The Voice today! I can't wait! I just hope that no one figures out that Behati abused me. I've been through this before... It just usually ends up in me being sent back to some stupid orphanage.

"Adam!! Are you almost ready?!" I anxiously asked.

"5 minutes Court! I have to finish getting ready!" I heard Adam yell from upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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