Breaking Point

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I hop out of the car and look up at the unfamiliar auto mail shop. I open the shop door and go inside. "It reeks of oil..what a great smell." I grin and ring the service bell. An older man greets me and fixes my leg. Sage crawls out of his hood and runs away. She runs into town and keeps barking.
I walk out of the shop and adjust back to my leg. "Next time I see Kai i'll make sure to test how good I can kick.." I mumble. Sage runs up to me and barks at me. "Sage? What're you doing here, where's Kai?" I look around. She barks at me again and backs up a little. Then she runs back into the forest. I run after her and find Kai against the tree. "Kai!" I look over at Lust and growl. "Homunculi..." "Fullmetal how nice of you to join us." She grins and lets him go. "You're friend and I were just having a nice chat about you." "I'd hardly call him a friend.." I mumble.

"Kick me while I'm down why don't you." He grunts.

"Oh shut up, before I really do kick you." Envy charges at me from behind and I spin around and kick him in the stomach. Lust growls and sends her nails through my stomach. I cough up some blood and break a few of her nails.  He slides down and grabs his shoulder. He stomps his foot and a huge spike comes out of the ground and stabs her in the stomach.

Lust coughs up a lot of blood and Envy pulls her off the spike. "This isn't over you Fullmetal brat!" He takes off with Lust. "Damn...homunculi..."I stagger up and walk over to Kai. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah..." He looks at me. "Are you?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about it.." I cough a little and offer him my hand. "We need to get you cleaned up..before your wounds get infected." 

"What was that about?" He takes my hand and picks up Sage and put her in his hood.

"Nothing, just stay away from them got it? I don't need anyone else getting hurt because of those damn things. What did they want with you anyway?"

"They thought I knew you or something. I don't fucking know..."

"Shit..this isn't good.." I frown. "Look I think it's best you just stay away from me..." I start walking.


"You'll end up dead if you don't."

"We should at least find the missing alchemist. Then you can get rid of me."

I turn and face you. "...Fine..but if you die, it's not my fault."

"Not like anyone would care anyway."

"I would.." I mumble and start walking again. "Let's go, we can't waste anymore time. Especially with the homunculi running around."

"Can you tell me who they were? Why do they want you?"

"They're artificial humans...born by failed attempts at human transmutation. They have extraordinary abilities and are very powerful. You can pick them out by the ora boras tattoo they each have somewhere on their body. They're dangerous and not to be messed with." I sigh. "As for why they want me, let's just say I may have something they want."

"That is?"

"The philo- you know what, that's not important right now. Let's just find this damn alchemist."

"I got one too." He mutters. "Okay."

I stop walking. "What? How the hell do you have one?"

"My sister gave it to me..."

'His sister must be real important to have gotten her hands on a philosopher's stone..' "Really...where'd she get it, do you know?"

"No...but once I see her again I'll ask."

"I see.." I look down and keep walking. 'Does he really not know she's dead?'

"So do you know where we are going?"

"I have an idea..I was looking into some stuff the other night and I found something that connected Ishbal to the alchemist..but that's as far as I got."

"Hopefully we will find some stuff there." He glances over at me. "...I don't like people. At all. Especially state alchemists. And...when this is all over I probably will end up behind bars. But until you want to at least...act like friends?"

I glance at you. " friends...?" I smile a bit. "Alright..yeah. But as long as were "friends" I'll make sure you don't end up behind bars alright?"

He smiles a little and looks ahead. "Okay."

"Right then, off to Ishbal!" I start running toward the train station. "Hurry up!"

He runs after me and gets on the train.

I slump over in the train seat and stare out the window. 'I hope we find what we're looking for..' I sigh. "Kai?"

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