Chapter 3

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I sprint as fast as I can go, evading zombies or killing them with my gauntlet. And then I notice something.
I'm running, but I'm not actually getting anywhere. The scenery around me is looping, like one of those old cartoon scenes.
"H-how? Who is doing this? Monty? Samantha? Maxis?"
Then I run face first into a zombie.
But there's something odd about it. It seems... intelligent. I stare deep into its fiery eyes, and realise -

"Hello, Edward." I say.

It screams, and charges. I hit it hard with the gauntlet, which should have broke its ribs, but the gauntlet crumpled, and left a very sharp pain in my fist. Blinking tears from my eyes, I stare in amazement at the horrible beast. It looks a little dazed, but otherwise unharmed.
I know my death is nigh. I have known for quite some time now. But this is not my time to die. Not now...
The zombie swipes at me, shredding my torso.
I want to die
                                 the pain is too much

      just kill me
                                 please let me die

But I'm not dying. In fact, I feel a tingling sensation in my lower chest. My wounds are... healing.
A familiar, cheery voice rings through the dreary hall.
"I can't let you die yet, can I, Professor Richthofen?"
The zombies around me have paused. The lights of their eyes slowly fade, and as one, they fall into heaps. The "me" zombie is nowhere to be seen.
"I keep telling you, Doctor Monty. It's not pronounced Rick-TOV-en. It's Rick-TOF-en. None the less, Doctor, I am rather grateful."

The prison - Alcatraz - breaks up into pieces. It appears the jail was floating in outer space. I can still breath, though. And there's definitely gravity. So I'm probably not in orbit.
The zombie is still there. I consider my options. I've never been much of a close-quarters fighter.

I look around, and the zombies seizes the chance and lunges at me. I duck, feeling it brush against my head as it goes past, and smashes into the wall, landing in an awkward position. Just as it's about to get up, I hit the acid trap beside me as hard as I can with the gauntlet, which is enough to make it shatter completely. But it worked! The zombie might be incredibly tough, but it's flesh can still be melted.

Pleased with myself, I walk along the cell block, but my happiness is short-lived.

I look up to see the Shadow Man (disguised in his human form), grinning devilishly.
"We can't have you letting the others know the truth, now can we Doctor?"
He's holding the summoning key.
"Oh no," I groan, and he pushes out his hand. Ten feet away from him, he sends me flying into one of the remains wallsn in the prison.
I moan, but can't get up. I think my legs are broken.

He floats up to me. He has something small on his palm.
"This is a baby Apothicon. Inside a human is warm and moist - the perfect nest for it. It will grow into an adult in about sixteen hours. You will, sadly, not survive the process. Goodbye, Professor Richthofen."
He bends down to put the monster into my mouth.

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