Chapter 7

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I am surrounded. Utterly surrounded by the undead. I know there is no way out but I run on, through the pain in my chest, through the desire deep inside me to scream. I fire wildly behind me and hear a few satisfying thumps as the bullets find their marks.
Oh god, there's so many of them. I can hear them and smell them around me, and I feel them closing in on me.
Suddenly, one jumps out at me from in front of me. I jump back and fall right on my face.
This is it. I'm done for. They're coming from all angles. I get to my feet and raise my gun to make my last stand.
I fire into the depths of the horde, roaring at the top of my lungs. They collapse all around me, and I begin to think maybe, just maybe I can survive this when I reach down for another clip to realise I don't have one.

Oh god.

The zombies stop moving towards me, and they all look at me.
No, they aren't looking at me, they're looking at something at something behind me.
I turn around quickly to see...
"Mein Gott. Hello, Richtofen."
I - well, I in my undead form, snarl at me.
He is glaring at me with a look of pure hatred.
I lift my gun and point it at him. Surely he's too braindead to call my bluff.
"I could kill you right now, you know. Tell your little army here to go away."
He snarls again, seemingly uncaring of imminent death.
I sigh, and lower the gun, when all of a sudden a bullet goes right through my brain and I collapse.
Well not actually me, obviously. The other me.
The horde are screaming, and moving in on me.
But I didn't shoot him.
"Um... that wasn't me. How about we all calm down and be reasonable here."
No effect on them. They continue to move towards me (quite slowly, thank god).
Then I see him. Dr Monty. He looks like he's talking to someone.
"This is it," he says. "The Aether. The... infinite."
Then, he turns around.
"What the hell is going on here?" He exclaims, and looks me in the eye.
Some of the undead turn around and run at him, but most are still coming after me.
"Ah, Doctor Monty. A little help would be appreciated." I say, with a smirk. Inside, I'm flooded with relief. I'm not going to die.
"Absolutely, Edward," he smiles, and the undead evaporate.
I let out a sigh of relief and collapse on the 'ground'.
"So, what brings you to a place like this?" Dr Monty smirks.
"I had a bit of a run in with an apothicon. You wouldn't happen to know one Shadowman would you?"
"Oh, I certainly do," he says sourly, his face showing clear disgust.
"Well, he has the summoning key. I managed to get it off him but he got it back again."
"Oh God!" Doctor Monty exclaims. "The apothicons have the summoning key?"
"They do indeed, I'm afraid."
Monty sighs. "I wonder how the hell he got it."
The Shadowman stands from the corpse of my undead self, holding a gun just like my own.
"Well, it's a funny story that." He laughs.

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