Chapter I. restaurant

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The tour had just began, and the four had quickly stopped by their temporary apartment to drop off their stuff. Roger had been complaining the whole flight that he was hungry. Freddie kept trying to make him eat the airplane food in frustration, but failed. As hungry as he might have been, there was no way in hell Roger was eating that food. John had given it dirty looks, and that told him to stay as far away from it as possible.

After dropping their stuff off, Roger immediately suggested to find a place to eat.

"What kind of place did you have in mind?" Brian asked. "I don't really care, as long as they have food, its fine by me" he really didn't give a damn at this point, he was tired, hungrier than ever and was feeling a little sick from the flight. "Okay ladies" Freddie started, looking up through his long black hair. "What do you say we go to an Italian restaurant?" Roger immediately started craving pizza. "Im in a pasta mood" Freddie added.

They soon found a place on the map Brian had given them, and tried to get there as fast as they could. They all looked very hungry. Roger could see they were all tired as well.

As they walked into the restaurant, he, Freddie and Brian almost sprinted to the counter to ask if there was a table for four free. He looked over to John in confusion, who was still standing in the doorway, casually hanging up his coat. John walked over to them. "Aren't you hungry?" He asked. "Not really, that airplane food doesn't really stomach well." John replied, with a weak smile on his face. He looked at Freddie with the "told you" look. Freddie rolled his eyes.

Luckily for Roger's slowly dying stomach, there was one table for five left. Perfect. One seat for his coat.
Roger ran-walked after the waitress leading them to their table. He sat down with a relieved, long sigh. Freddie and John sat down beside him, Brian sat down on the other side of the table, facing him. "Could you put my coat beside you, Bri? Here." He held the coat up in front of Brian. "You know there are coat hangers by the entrance right? This isn't very appropriate." Brian said, with a smirk on his face. "Yeah well I don't care. Where did that waitress go?" He was too hangry for jokes. Freddie glanced over to the waitress, who immediately rushed over. "I'm sorry, y'all look very hungry, would you like somethin' to drink first or you wanna get to eatin' right away?" She asked with a strong accent. "Yes I think we would like to eat right away" Freddie said, looking at Roger. "Mhm" he said.

He had ordered a mozzarella pizza, John and Freddie ordered spaghetti with meatballs and Brian ordered a vegetarian pasta carbonara.

The food finally arrived and Roger suddenly got excited.
Brian laughed
"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy Rog". He didn't even listen, he was aggressively cutting the pizza.
John smiled at him
"Do you need help with that?" John joked. "Shush". Why were they all trying to tease him today? He just wanted to eat this pizza and make it to the apartment before falling asleep on the table.
"Now don't be so mean to Roger love, he is very vulnerable when he is hungry." Roger almost snapped but before he even got that change, he accidentally brushed his leg against Brian's. He didn't seem to react, but his eyes quickly widened and after realizing Roger noticed it he immediately acted like nothing happened. his face was tomato red.
"Roger, is everything alright?" John asked in confusion. Freddie looked up from his spaghetti. Brian looked up too, with a curious look on his face. "Uh no, why would you think that?" He let out a very poorly convincing laugh. "Nevermind..". John continued scanning the restaurant.

Roger looked at Brian, to see if he had moved at all. He had just continued eating his pasta. Did Roger just make a big deal about THAT? He can't believe himself, he had touched Brian before.. like every day! Maybe it was just unexpected, yeah that must've been it.

(Roger Taylor x Brian May) Love At 100th SightWhere stories live. Discover now