Chapter II. arriving

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So im sorry this is late and all, but my whole chapter got deleted and im pretty pissed about it. But hey what are ya gonna do? So I rewrote it all and I hope it's all the same as it was cos it was a good ass chapter. It's a little short now but i'll post the next chapter really soon after this one!!

They arrived at their apartment, it was a small apartment so they only had two bedrooms and one bathroom. The kitchen was small and there was little space left where the owners had shoved a table in. But that didn't seem to occur to Roger, he almost couldn't stand up, he was exhausted. John and Freddie went to look around a little.

When they got back the four all sat around the kitchen table, which was also the dining table, and started to discuss the two bedrooms.

"So who wants to room with who?" John asked, clearly the most tired of the four.

Roger definitely didn't want to room with Brian, even though Roger believed Brian hadn't even noticed what happened at the restaurant yesterday, he did seem like he wanted 'space'. Maybe he did notice and Roger was definitely doomed.

Freddie glanced at Brian, then at Roger, then back at Brian, then back at Roger, when he finally decided.
"I think it's best if I room with Roger for the night, we could always switch it up tomorrow. Is that okay with mister and misses grumpy?"  
"Yeah why wouldn't it be?" Brian asked slightly annoyed for some reason.
Roger rolled his eyes, which Brian clearly noticed and he did the same.
They were sitting at opposite sides of the table, arms crossed, looking away from each other like children who both want the same toy.
John had unnoticeably already left the table and gone to bed, and Roger was thrilled to do the same. Brian stood up and left the kitchen, still refusing eye contact. 

Yup, he definitely didn't miss what happened yesterday. But was he awkward about it too? It was just a leg brush but, maybe it made Brian feel something too.

Fucking Brian

Roger followed Freddie into the bedroom, not even bothering to change the bedsheets. He let himself fall in the bed and saw through the little gap of his almost closed eyelids that Freddie was changing his bedsheets. Of course he was. Before he knew it he was carried away in his sleep.

Roger was sitting at the shoved-in corner table. Brian walked into the room. He didn't look like Brian, but at the same time he did. Something was different about him. He walked towards him and Roger looked up from the table he was staring at for some reason. In the bright light that was coming from the ridiculously big window, which he didn't remember being there, Brian looked like an angel, Roger was gazing at him. The bright lighting in the room made his hair shine and his eyes glow, or was that not the lighting?

Brian was now standing in front of him, leaning in so his forehead was almost touching Roger's. Roger immediately took action, he pressed his lips against Brian's soft lips. Brian's eyes widened as Roger leaned in further. Roger slowly closed his eyes when...

Roger jumped up from his bed. "What?! What happened?"
Freddie was standing in the doorway, looking at him with a big smirk on his face. "It took an hour to wake you up, what were you dreaming of Rog? I heard you moan.. multiple times" He winked at him. "Oh shut up Fred!" Freddie grinned as he walked away.

That was one strange dream, maybe the strangest he had ever had. Why would he have such a dream? He remembered reading somewhere that dreams translate your lusts and biggest needs...
Well he hoped that wasn't true because why would he lust for Brian?
He has always been good at seducing people, but girls, women. Not Brian.
But what if he could?
I mean it's a challenge but not impossible...
What was he thinking?! He's not going to seduce anyone!
Especially not one of his best friends!

He walked into the kitchen, where the others were eating breakfast. John looked up from his omelette and pointed at the plate on the counter. He took it and sat down next to John. It was a good omelette, a little cold but that didn't bother him.
Brian did actually look different today, he looked very... fresh?
Maybe he finally washed his hair.
"Our first show is tomorrow" John started, he was pretty sure it was meant as a reminder, as if he would forget. "Yeah I'm really excited, got a good nighta sleep" Roger answered. He could see a smile form on Freddie's face.
"Judging by your enthusiasm, it was"
John and Brian laughed, Roger looked away, slightly embarrased.
"Aw cheer up Rog" Brian said, eyeing Roger.
"Let's go do something fun today, im bored" John said.
"I consider that an insult" Roger said "Shall we go see a movie or something?"
"Yes! That's a great idea John, let's go right now!" Freddie screamed as he ran to get his stuff.

(Roger Taylor x Brian May) Love At 100th SightWhere stories live. Discover now