Chapter III. encounter

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So I made this chapter but forgot to post it.. yeah my iq is definitely up there guys. Anyway enjoy.

The four decided to walk to the cinema, since it was only 10 minutes away and Brian had insisted on walking. Because they got there so early, they had some time left to get some snacks, or drinks, as Roger did.

Roger knew he was going to have to pee during the film if he didn't go now, so he went to the bathroom. The others were waiting outside but Brian wasn't there. ''Where's Brian?'' Roger asked.''Oh he's in the bathroom'' John said looking bored.

He walked into the men's bathroom and he saw only one stall was taken. Roger smirked at the sight of it, knowing it had to be Brian.


Who just walked into the bathroom? He hoped to the lord that it wasn't Roger, he was not in the mood to have another awkward encounter with him. ''Brian, are you in here?''

Shit he's here. He could feel Roger smirking from outside the stall, knowing Brian was in there, too scared to say anything. He just sat there, being awkward.

''Okaaaay... i'm just going to leave then''

Brian let out the breath that he was apparently holding in. He left the stall and slowly closed the door.

Brian froze.

Roger was standing behind it. And Brian felt his face heating up. Brian smelled the alcohol in his breath, he was drunk. ''Why so jumpy?'' Roger said with a wide grin on his face. Brian stood there with wide eyes, unable to speak.

''W-well... I-I j-just.. I t-thought''.

Roger chuckled and looked down. There was mischief in his eyes.

Suddenly Roger looked up and grabbed his wrists, pinning him to the door, with his wrists above his head. It all happend too quickly for Brian to do anything. He could feel Roger's hot breath on his ear as he leaned in on Brian's face. ''I've been trying to ignore these feelings that i've developed for you but... I just can't stay away from you any longer.''  Roger whispered in his right ear. Brian's heart was racing so fast he was almost certain that the blonde could hear it beating out of his chest.

Did Roger Taylor really have feelings for me?

Or was it just the alcohol making him say things that aren't true?

It would explain the awkwardness between them at the very least... But that would mean Brian had to have feelings towards Roger as well and that just doesn't make any sense.

Brian got pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Roger grin.

''Roger, you're drunk.''

''You think im just saying this because im drunk?''

''Yes, why else would you make something like this up?''

''Who says i'm making anything up?''

Roger was distracted by the conversation so he couldn't hold Brian's hand up anymore resulting in Brian freeing himself from his grip.

Brian shoved him off of him.

''You arse.''

He walked out of the bathrooms and returned to a curious looking Freddie.

"What happened in there, you look like Roger has finally drunk himself to his death"

''You knew Roger was getting drunk and you just let it happen!''.

''What? Are you his mother, its not like he never gets drunk. I don't see the big deal here''.

''Yeah Brian what is your deal today, is it that time of the month again?'' John sarcastically added with a grin on his face.

Brian stood there being incredibly annoyed at everything and everyone, but especially because in the back of his mind he knew he was pissed at Roger for only showing interest in him when he's drunk, and the fact that Brian cared that much about how Roger felt about him made him furious.

And the film was starting too.

''Come on love the film is starting in a minute'' Freddie grabbed John's hand and led him into the cinema. Brian followed, looking back at the bathrooms because Roger was still in there and he couldn't help but worry about what he was still doing in there. He wanted to go back and apologize because Brian totally overreacted to the whole situation, Roger being drunk.

They sat down into their seats, which were in the middle part of the back row and Freddie and John were sitting next to each other, leaving Brian to look at the empty seat next to him.


Roger was standing in front of the sink, both hands on the edge holding up his body. He was staring into the mirror with disgust in his eyes. He felt incredibly light-headed and could barely keep his body steady.

What the fuck is his problem? Why the fuck would he even think Brian would be interested in him? And why the fuck did he think it would be a good idea to get drunk?

Brian kept slipping into his mind and Roger tried to keep the thoughts away, but failed. He felt his heart beating out of his chest. Fuck. He definitely had feelings for the arsehole. But why Brian? God why did it have to be Brian?

Roger turned on the sink and splashed some water in his face. Yeah, he didn't understand why they always did that in films, it really didn't help any.

A man walked into the bathrooms and looked at Roger because he was looking like a complete mess. Roger quickly tried to pose by the sink casually. The man walked into a stall and Roger left the bathrooms. Did he really have to face Brian again for the film, or should he just leave?

Feeling defeated, Roger left the cinema and went back to the apartment. Once he arrived he sat down on the bed and started thinking.

He's never had feelings this strong for someone before. Actually now that he thought about it, he's never had actual feelings towards women. Like ever.
Was here really gay?

Roger Taylor; chick-magnet, gay.

How could he ever tell anyone?
Should he ever tell anyone?

He fell asleep on Brian's bed feeling some relief knowing he had only had vodka, so he wouldn't have much of a hangover.

Suddenly Roger's eyes snapped open.

They had their first show tomorrow.

(Roger Taylor x Brian May) Love At 100th SightWhere stories live. Discover now