Chapter 21- His Lyrics, His World

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Chapter 21- His Lyrics, His World

"I'm the same kid I always was... There's just a little more pressure."~ Justin Bieber

As my eyes come to an open I see that Justin is nowhere to be seen. I sit up and look around but much to my disappointment he isn't here. I stand up and stretch my body. I grab my phone expecting a text form either Justin or Bruce but once again I am disappointed when I see that I have no messages. Shrugging it off, I head for a shower before some nice breakfast.

Staring at the toast in front of me my mind goes back to last night. What Justin did for me was really sweet but how long would we last before another argument about the same thing occurs? We are always having the same argument and I am tired of it. Then break up with Bruce. I want to scold my inner self for suggesting something so horrendous. Bruce is my boyfriend and he makes me so happy. And Justin? I want to scowl at myself for asking myself such a ridiculous question, but as I sit here and think about it... What does Justin make me feel? Sure, he makes me happy but not the same happiness that Bruce makes me feel. Sure, at one point I had a crush on Justin but I was young and stupid. Justin would never look at me that way. You know he already does. I decide on ignoring my inner queen. She seems to be really snappy today. Finishing off my toast I grab my bag and head out for another long day in school.

I enter English just as the warning bell rings. I take my seat just as miss walks in. She has a bunch of papers under one arm and a massive smile plastered on her face. I turn to look at everyone else and they have the same 'what the hell' expression on their face. She drops the paper on her desk with a loud thump making half the class jump. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen! As you have all guessed, I am in a very good mood and I shall tell you why. This school has provided quite a lot of funding for a Christmas performance and have allowed the Drama and English students to be the ones to recreate something for parents and students to come and watch. It will be a very big production. However, I know some of those among us do not wish to act so they will split themselves into teams of advertising, set creating and ticket selling. The English and Drama department want the school covered in posters for this show. It has to be... majestical."

I stare at her with my eyes wide open. For some reason right now I am seeing her as Mrs Darbus from High School Musical. Her eyes have this glint in them and her smile is so wide it looks like her face may split into half. She snaps out of her daze and quietens the class down again before she continues, "This will be no ordinary performance people. We will be doing a mash up of William Shakespeare's Macbeth, A Midsummers' Night’s Dream and of course, Romeo and Juliet. As the youth of today are into partying we will be making into a modern piece of drama. Romeo will be from a 'chavvy' area and Juliet from a higher-class area. They will meet in a high school Christmas party of which Macbeth is holding. Within this party you will have Lysander, Helena, Hermia and Demetrius who are all dating the wrong people. Our wonderful Oberon will try to help everyone sort their problems out but in the end he will lose his girlfriend, Titania, to his best friend, Nick Bottom. Macbeth will kill Nick Bottom and out of hurt Titania will kill Macbeth. Romeo will sleep with Juliet and realise that he doesn't really love her and he will leave. Lysander and Hermia will get together and so will Helena and Demetrius. It should be just marvellous."

The whole class falls into silence as we all take in what our teacher has just told us. That is messed.

"Miss that is kind of fucked." Some boy voices my thoughts but in a more brutal way.

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