Bad memories are the ones we hold on to

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Laura's pov

Bad memories.

They're like scars. Etched into your brain without your consent. Like scars, they leave a mark that's hard to get rid of. Hell, some of them you'll never get rid of. They'll always be apart of you.

You just have to accept that.

Once you realize they're not going away you eventually forget about them. That is until something or someone reminds you of those scars and it all comes back.

It seems that bad memories are the ones we hold on to. Not because we want to keep them, but because it's harder to forget those brain scars that no amount of love, or good memories can erase.

Your brain likes to make sure you remember these terrible scars so you don't repeat, and or, fall again. It does this so we don't get scratched up the same way we did before. But we tend to get hurt when those memories resurface and show their ugly, scarred faces.

Our brain sometimes doesn't realize this.

It takes a while to train yourself to just let go. For some people, they never reach full closure.

Those are the ones who weren't able to win their battle. Not because they weren't strong enough physically, but mentally.

Their brains just wouldn't let go of those battle wounds. It tried its hardest to protect them, the people. But it just ended up imploding on its self.

I guess letting go is a natural thing that occurs many times in ones life. But, to let go means different things for different people.

For some, it means hope.

For others it means devastation.

For the brain, it means weakness.

We work our entire lives, from the moment we are born, to get as many experiences under our belt as possible. We achieve this by learning new things, going to new places, and participating in new activities.

Once a bad memory attaches itself to those experiences, they become tainted. Poisoned by our own minds to protect us some how.

Think of it like this, if you burned your hand touching the stove once, why would you do it again?

Your brain sets off alarms saying ....DON'T DO THAT SHIT DUMBASS, REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME?!!?

We as human beings listen to that voice, because for the most part, it's right.

So when you start thinking about letting someone back into your life who broke you and your heart, your brain sets off those familiar alarms.

Of course, when you don't listen it takes matters into its own hands. Bringing back those old scars and making sure you remember exactly why you shouldn't do what your heart is telling you to.

That's when the question older than time itself arises.

Do I listen to my heart or my brain?

The heart is a creature of passion and whimsy, while the brain is a creature of wisdom and intellect. When you think about it, you should always go with what your heart wants, but what if your brain is right?

Which path will you follow?

Which path will I follow?

I shake my head, forcing myself out of my thoughts. Too much thinking can lead to rash decisions. Lord knows how bad rash decisions have already effected my life. Some of which weren't even mine.

I turn off the shower just as I hear a door close.

The fuck? Who's in my house and why couldn't they have waited until I was out of the shower.

I love cheesy, but I would hate to die in such a cliche horror film way. Everyone knows getting slaughtered in the shower is the worst and most embarrassing way to die.

You'll die with no dignity at all.

Just naked for all to see. That is if someone finds your body.

Anyway, I quickly wrap a towel around myself and exit the bathroom making sure my steps are quiet.

It's silent until I hear a cabinet close.

Well, they're not gonna find any money in there. I peek around the corner and see the perpetrator. Yes, you guessed it. It's fucking Ross.

I feign a cough and try to keep a serious face as I watch him nearly jump out of his skin and let out a girly squeal.

He turns around and puts his hand on his chest clenching his heart.

"You scared the shit out of me Laur. What the fuck man, I nearly pissed myself." He sucks in a breath after looking at me up and down.

At what? I have no idea. But I do know he looks hot as fuck in those grey sweats and no shirt adorned by some sexy bed head.

Back to the point at hand.

"Wow, what a coincidence seeing you here. In my house. In my kitchen. That's wild man. And you if anything, you scared me! I thought you were some criminal!" He shakes his head as if he was breaking himself out of some deep thought and laughs.

"So you're telling me, if a robber walked through that door and started looking through your stuff, you would greet them in your towel?" My face flames up and I'm positive I'm as red as a raspberry right now.

I forgot I was in my towel. But I'm not going to admit that he's right.

"Of course, it would be a great distraction." My nose is held in the air as I cross my arms over my chest looking away from him.

"Yea, it's a hell of a distraction. But unlike me they wouldn't need to control themselves. That's dangerous Laur, so please don't do that again." He licks his lips and turns back around officially ending this conversation.

He's right. But he doesn't have to know that.

"Whatever." I walk to my room and get dressed without closing the door because I'm an idiot. When I drop my towel I hear a grown and quickly cover myself again.

"ROSS! Stop being a pervert!" His face has an expression on it that can only be deciphered as lust. His hazel eyes are now a dark brown and I can't help but slightly shiver as his dark orbs stare into mine.

I nearly melt when I hear his gruff voice.

"Then maybe you should close and lock your fucking doors Laura! You're making it so hard to not--" he cuts himself off as he realized what he was about to say.

"To not what Ross?" He walks over to me and pulls me flush against him. His lips tickle my ear as he whispers.

"To not fuck your brains out on every door in this house until you learn to lock them." With that he walks away and in the distance I hear a door close and a lock click. Then I'm met with silence.

What the fuck just happened? And why did I want it to go further?

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