Preview of Chapter One

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(Because none of us like waiting for Chapter One)

The Orient : Quake
Chapter One (Preview) : The Last Supper

After the seventeen and a half years I have been able to eat proper food, my favorite pancakes - my dad's homemade pancakes to be exact - are tasteless. What happened to the fluffy, soft, and delectable pancakes that I have tasted thousands of times before? Even the creamy syrup glazed over the tasty delicacy, with the color of mahogany seeping over the beige dough, didn't bring the same mouth-watering effect that I have come to be addicted to.

Even the sunny-side up eggs didn't brighten my mood. The rays of the sun hanging in the sky didn't warm my cold heart either. The morning tune of the early birds didn't quite reach my ears; yet I yearn to hear their beautiful song. The birds in the area are just simple bluebirds, but their songs sound very solemn. It's as if they know we have to earn our survival via dolorosa; they know we have to take a painful path. In the end, it doesn't matter if my siblings and I survive - our dad will be dead by then anyway.

After millions and millions of years, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has opened to be a huge crack in the Earth because of the moving of the tectonic plates. Unfortunately, Iceland isn't quite lucky; the country is quite small, and just on the small Northern tip of the ridge. Iceland will be the first to go, death by earthquake. It is said everyone on Earth will die in just three years. I know that scientists from years ago, like Alfred Wegener, who have missed out on one fact - each year, the ridge opens 868.666667 miles more than it did the year before. So in approximately three years, five months, three weeks, one day, six hours, four minutes, and two seconds, the ridge will crack open all the way to the Earth's core, literally ending the world from a massive earthquake.

The Earth will end in a ball of fire.


"Chapter One : The Last Supper" will be posted on the sixth of November, during the day. (My timezone is EST, in case you need to convert time.)

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