two - Scott

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"restless days and sleepless nights always fighting with all your heart and soul so as not to fail at living." Charles Bukowski, my song

Willow Kimble

The night of The Last Supper and tasteless pancakes insured a sleepless night. Whether it be the sense of maturity behind Holli's gaze, or the unnerving optimism of Omid, something at the back of my head was bothering me. My stomach fell, as worry was gradually consuming my mind. For the first time the whole month this earthquake phenomenon has been taking place, I've never had such a feeling of insecurity and paranoia.

My bedroom door creaked open. My heart beat faster. My eyes turned every which way, searching for an answer that doesn't exist. My stomach flipped, and every second, I panicked more.

"Willow?" A soft voice called. I breathed a sigh of relief, hearing my sister's voice. I sat up in my bed, hair knotted in multiple places from countless minutes of tossing and turning.

Holli stood there, in one of dad's old white t-shirts substituting for a nightgown. She was clutching a white Dalmatian with black spots. Holli has had this stuffed animal since four years of age; she had named him Scott, because she said it rhymes with Spot. She has cried with this toy, laughed with this toy, and shared her hopes and dreams with this toy. Scott, like Omid and I, has always been there for her.

"I can't sleep," Holli whispered, "can I sleep in your bed with you? Scott said he's fine with it because he likes you."

There it was; that gaze. For some reason, it haunts me. A twelve year old shouldn't have to deal with this. I know, that even if she's scared, she knows she won't always have Scott, or Omid, or even me to be there for her. I'm trying my best, but it's hard when I can't even grasp reality myself. I feel like a shell, like a doll. I have no emotions, yet I still have to endure every second of it. I yearn for the emotion I once felt.

"Come here." I mumbled, holding my arms out for a hug. She wrapped her arms around me, one hand holding Scott, and the other clenched to the fabric of my pajama shirt. I held Holli on my lap, as I whispered words of comfort to her. She soon fell asleep, and my eyes soon began to droop as I lied in my bed with Holli, holding her in a warm imbrace as I pulled the comforter over our shoulders to repel the cold breeze of night.


I awoke to a sudden shake, with petite hands clutching my shirt. My sister's eyes were wide open, glazed with excitement. A smile was evident on her face. With the sight of her sudden change in attitude, a grin found its way to my face; her smile can be quite contagious.

"Wake up, wake up!" She giggled shaking me a bit more.

"Ah, you have woken Sleeping Beauty, it seems," A man's voice sounded, "May I treat the princesses to a delicious breakfast?"

"Dad!" Holli whined, "I don't want to be a princess! I want to be a warrior!"

"Well then, knight in shining armor, we must escort the princess in case we are ambushed by the evil dragon!" Father remarked.

As Holli laughed and skipped away with Scott, I stood up and hugged my dad, a few tears dropping from the corners of my eyes. "No work?" I sniffed.

"No, Boss told me I could have some time with you three before you leave," He answered, "He even gave me a look of pity; he has his own kids being sent away too."

"Oh," I said softly, "I'm glad he let you leave for today."

"Well, the dragon has surely found us! We must flee!" Dad chuckled.

I laughed and ran from his grasp into the hall. I took a sharp left, ran through the living room and took a right to the kitchen. An arm wrapped around my waist and legs. My brother picked me up and roared.

"I'm not sure if dragons roar, bruv." I scrambled from his loose grip.

"Don't ruin my fun, Willow!" Omid complained, flailing his arms.

"Oi, stop your complaining." Holli slapped him lighty.

Four steaming plates of waffles sat on the table. The waffles were topped with whipped cream and raindow sprinkles. They were glazed with chocolate and maple syrup. A delicious aroma wafted through the air, making my mouth water. I guess I've gotten tired of pancakes.

I sat down in my seat. Our table is round, so we have no problems regarding square edges jabbing our stomachs. Holli sat down to the right of me, and Omid sat to my left. Father sat to the left of Omid.

Mom is supposed to sit across from me, but her seat has been empty for the past eleven years. She had died from a stroke. The doctors said a blood vessel in her brain popped.

I swallowed and shook my head slightly; I didn't want to waste my good mood. I picked up my fork, and dug in. I chewed. The waffle wasn't tasteless. I savored the rich chocolate taste, mixed with the soft whipped cream and dough.

I was going to make this chapter longer, but I wanted to get it done. Hopefully the next chapter will be published today, but if not, it will be published sometime in the next few days. I hope you all enjoyed reading, if you did, vote for the chapter. Also, comment down below your thoughts and opinions. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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