four - Time

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"Time is free, but it is priceless; you can't own it, but you can use it; you can't keep it, but you can spend it; once you've lost it, you can never get it back." Harvey Mackay

Willow Kimble

After each step Valrie took, my hope diminished. She was my shoulder to cry on, my sheild, and my armour. What am I supposed to do with her gone? She was such a big part of my life and I can't function? Does this just prove how weak I am? How incapable I am? Am I really going to be able to survive when I can't even survive the simplest of emotions?!

A cold hand gripped my heart, and I clenched my fists to ignore it. No. I'm not going to be weak. I'm going to be strong for Mom, Dad, Omid, Holli, and Valrie. I'm not alone. No matter what, I'm going to let my weaknesses my strengths, and my strengths will become evem stronger. I won't be the shadow of those who succeed, I'm the one who will succeed. I won't let emotions stop me. A flame of determination melted the icy hold tugging my heartstrings.


The principal started speaking once again, after those who failed the test filed out one by one. Valrie was among them; she would have probably bid me good luck if she had the time. Time is abundant in some circumstances, in which we could have all the time in the world and just a few seconds later wish we had one more second to waste. At the last second, everyone seems to appreciate all the things they had, but no longer have. It's an ironic cycle that seems to repeat itself again and again.

"-You will be sorted accordingly, based upon the answer you chose during your test. Please form a line, one by one heading through the exit where you will be given your division placement. Continue outside to any one of the buses, with only three in a seat at most." The principal finished. I had ignored most of the speech, only tuning into the important words I need.

I grabbed my bookbag off the floor, slinging it over my shoulder and slipping my arms through the straps. I was careful not to hit anyone in the nose, avoiding any further issues. It would be quite the disaster if I had everyone in the room staring, with scrutinizing glares burning the back of my head.


Just ahead, I could see people heading through a gate. As they walked through, the gate would beep, and a light on their doomsday watches I didn't notice before would light up sunny yellow, lilac purple, midnight blue, and on rare occasion, a blinding silver. Each color was beautiful, and I'm sure everyone else was just as amazed.

As I approached ever closer, I could hear murmurs of, Marharytka, Lilla, and Lalie. I wonder what's so different about Fleune that makes members of the division scarce...My thoughts raced past my body, and I soon found myself in front of the gate. The 'gate' as I call it, is just a turquoise screen similar to glass, practically transparent to the bare eye. My fingers brushed the edge, slightly passing through. A purple mist rose from the area where my hand was located. A quick sensation that made it feel as if my hand passed through jello made me jerk my hand away. I turned my hand around frantically, staring in amazement.

Worry unlaced from my emotions, and I passed through the gate. It felt as if I passed through a thin wall of jello, and as I exited the gate to the other side, only a perception of tingling was left. The small light on my doomsday watch glowed a bright silver, and the Australian Lemurian waiting behind the gate murmured a quiet 'Fluene' before I walked through the open exit door. The silver dimmed gradually, but the light was still glowing.

I walked to the open doors of the closest bus, climbing up the three steps leading to the aisle between each pair of seats. I headed towards the back, passing the other chattering passengers. The only seat left was in the back, only big enough for two people. In the seat was a guy with black hair, fringe covering one eye. I could say he seems emo, but that would be rude. He looks about Holli's age, maybe even just a year older. He's wearing a black sweatshirt that's unzipped, with a black t-shirt that has a grey skull on it, and regular-plain, ripped jeans. His doomsday watch glowed a faint yellow. His eyes turned, burning into mine. They're a dark, stormy blue.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" I found myself asking.

"Yeah. It's not like I have much of a say in it anyway," He answered in a deep voice, "What's your name?"

"Willow. And you are?" I replied, holding out a hand for him to shake.

He shook my hand,  then dropped it, pausing.


The bus came to a screeching stop. It woke me up from my nap, leaving me in a dazed state. I looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of where we were. I saw a couple planes fly ahead, and a big building stood in front of the parking lot full of cars and buses. An airport. That's where they've been driving to. The question is, where will the plane take us? Because there will probably be training grounds, they're going to need wide open space, most likely plains, and somewhere in Europe or Asia that meets in the middle of the countries...Maybe France?

A Jamaican Lemurian boarded the bus. "I will escort you off of the bus. You will proceed to the airport building and enter a plane. We will be on a three hour trip to Sweden."

Everyone, including Kyle and I, got off the bus and followed the Lemurian to the airport building. We walked through security, and then along with the other thousand people, waited. We soon carried on our way to a plane and sat in random seats. I seem to have been seperated from Kyle. The person sitting next to me was a girl with black curly hair, and amber eyes. She looks like Kyle, but more outgoing and optimistic. She wore stylish clothes, but not flashy ones.

"Oh, hi!" She waved frantically. "My name is Lillie!"

Her voice wasn't high-pitched or annoying, just really, really, really, enthusiastic. It wasn't sickening like the kindness of Hawaiian Lemurians, but still plentiful in the perky department.

"Uh, hi. I'm Willow." I answered weakly, a bit overwhelmed.

"Ey, Lillie. Leave the hermosa chica alone, okay? I think you're scaring her, hermanita." A crisp Spanish accent rang. The guy chuckled.

Sitting across from Lillie and I was a Spaniard with swept brown hair and sparkling emerald eyes. He wore a red button-up shirt and jeans with simple converse. Sun-kissed tan skin, and charming looks, with the side of a vexing voice, he is definitely playboy of the century. It's almost disgusting because of how perfect he is.

"Aristides Jimenez, at your service hermosa. You can call me Aris, if you want." He winked.

"My name is Willow, not hermosa. I think I like the name Tomato Picker instead." Frustration engulfed my emotions. There was no way I was going to let his charms get to me.

"Playing hard to get, ey belleza ardiente?" The Spanish words slipped from his mouth and made my head dizzy... His voice ringing in my ears like a church bell. His hair, looking soft like the fur of a kitten.

"Tomato Picker." I growled.

I can't wait to get off this plane. I have to deal with him for three whole hours. I suddenly don't have any patience, nor any form of care. If this jerk thinks he can try and woo every girl he sees, then he needs to set his priorities straight because there is no way I'm letting him get to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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